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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Had you put thermostat in wrong way up?
  2. Hope the family are OK, you know you have all our support.
  3. There's no specific type of Crown Vehicle, I know of things varying from a Stonefeild to Nissan saloon car that were classed as Crown. It is the agency that owns them.
  4. Ah the Dodge Douche! I remember! First time I went to see my Weapons Carrier, wondered why Steve and the boys were grinning. Buy a good yachting survival suit. :cool2:
  5. Go on lads! A good steam clean you'll have it running by Christmas.
  6. A number of agencies were entitiled to use 'Crown Vehicles'. Don't know about MOT, but yes they are tax exempt. Back in 't day they had a purpleish red square with a black crown on the windscren.
  7. Any tank left to get into this sort of state has to be suspect anyway. After cleaning a through visual inspection inside and out would be advised, then use a tank liner mix to seal it .
  8. Like Richard said there is a sort of coil booster that adds another gap in the lead up from coil to the distributor. My thought is that the voltage has to jump two gaps anyway. From rotor arm to cap , then across base of plug. You seem to be missing the first gap on the two front plugs.
  9. If all the base parts are new, why are only the two front plugs giving trouble? The only place that could occur is at the distributor cap, the only place the spark goes to each seperate plug. I'd change it and see. Though!! I had a similar problem on one of my Dodges, the cables on two plugs had touched and were fusing together, check the lines are seperated, but I'd still change the Dizzy Cap.
  10. Steam clean is probably the easiest and safest way. Caustic soda can be used, but obvious problems. What I'd suggest, get some cheap Dish washer tablets from the supermarket, boil up a bucket of water and dissolve the tablets in, then pour into tank and leave.
  11. If it runs as good as it looks , your in Gravy mate! :-D
  12. Check your engine and gear box mounts as well.
  13. Welcome in. Now post the pictures! :clap:
  14. I'm sure this has been discussed before. The consencous seemed to be we all help where we can and thanks are due to all of help on a thread, so that's the place to say it.
  15. MiD as it really should be. Mention in Dispatches. That explains the whirly thing on the back though, recovery of the Drouge Chute. Interesting thread, shows the US didn't develop everything.
  16. Do I get MID for coming up with Bloodhound?
  17. Oh that complicates what it is. Black Knight was a research rocket, Blue Steel, which was supposed to be Britian's own IBM but ended up as the first stage of Europa launcher. So not nessacarily a military device.
  18. OK, one stage forward! But Woomera did a lot of testing of various flying objects. So the assumption is , so far, that is a missile. Could it be a drone? Interesting take on how the place got its name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woomera_(spear-thrower)
  19. Well the Aussies did go after Emu's in the 1930's with Lewis guns, so is this some kind of Kangaroo Deterent?:???
  20. So what looks like a jet or rocket engine, and hints about dust + something that looks like it could be a tompion for the exhaust when travelling? Wild guess, Meterlogical sondes in Australia for the Brtish Atom bomb tests?
  21. Well, that white thingy looks very like a minefieild marker to me, so if it don't clear'em, does it lay mines?
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