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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Do you mean Vactan? http://www.paco-systems.co.uk/vactan.html
  2. Timley reminder, remember wheel cylinders are handed. Rather than NOS try Pastparts and get them rebuilt. Re lining shoes in UK is now bl**dy expensive the cheapest I could find was in the region of £30 each.
  3. OOH, expanding the market! A friend and I at college did all the costings and planning for a Haggis Stud. Local bank manager was very impressed so were lecturer's, unfortunatley Organic Food wasn't de rigeur at time so couldn't get a loan. :cry:
  4. Richard, was that beast a Pay Corp vehicle by any chance? If it was, I think I know the one. It also has a plate Converted to Office in 1952. If so it was actually the Y Service one.
  5. Clive the Oracle will no doubt have it listed somewhere. :-D
  6. Welcome in, you still have a lot of knowledge to impart.
  7. Theres some shots of a MW water tanker unit in this film that should give you some ideas. The place looks like Lullingstone Castle in Eynsford Kent https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/F05257/
  8. Se what you get under graound on the Little Rock Ma Boy, a'
  9. Has it a use in communications such as a suppresor for a vehicle?
  10. Welcome in. The mark of a 101 owner, looking for spares and petrol stations. :-D
  11. Are they hoping the Gin might still be in there? :-D Considering how much surviving bottles of Whisky from SS Polotician sell for.
  12. Combat rims, first layer primer, second layer top coat, third layer Copper Grease if you have to get them apart again! :-D
  13. Not really, The local Rabbits and Badger's have got used to digging shell and tank proof burrows.
  14. First thought, what a waste! They could be in the hands of people who know what to do with them.
  15. ERRR! Best of British luck. Not called Condor Liability for nothing.
  16. That explains a few questions I've had for years. Having had the misfortune to own one the ghastly things.
  17. Sorry Clive, but they obviously didn't get the point! The fields at home in Jersey still had quite a bit of German military wire, waste not want not, that was really viscous stuff. Barbs twice as close and three times as long as the civvy stuff.
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