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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I'djust be delighted if mobile phones and any motor vehicle were treated as an individual thing. One OR the other. It'd make my days a whole lot less stressful. There definitley ought to be a licence before you get a mobile.
  2. It's a miltary vehicle! So no problems, now the ignorance, What actually is it? :red: Was it 4x2 , the weight carried etc.
  3. So no good trying to impress Rosie with the Lamborgini then? :-D
  4. Actually the MOT is 'At Time of Examination'. You still have the resposobility that any vehicle is roadworthy at all times. All the MOT does is pick up faults that are dangerous they may have been on the vehicle for 364 days. I've got an MOT don't need to check and service for another year.
  5. OK, OK I'm sorry! But just because Seagulls do what Seagulls do on the washing, isn't it a bit extreme? :-D Besides the Water cooled .50 would be more efficent!:cool2: Just as an after thought, some of the most deadly Russian Snipers were female. I'd better stop living cangerously!
  6. Hum, going to be intresting. What's going to happen to vehicles imported to UK that were manufacutered before 1960? I've got to take Katy for an MOT to get her English plate back.
  7. I've never had a problem towing a WW2 trailer with a NATO hook on the Discovery. Weight and brakes against tow vehicle is the only thing. And the nose weight.
  8. I'm not sure about letting Rosie loose with a Bofors. The truck looks like it towing a large mortar. Possibly a 4.2 inch chemical mortar? The wing shaped thing at the back looks like a mortar baseplate.
  9. Thanks mate, I'll sleep tonight. :-D
  10. Try living in Scunthorpe and getting that past the knicker twisting PC spell checkres
  11. You always manage to get something in that makes me smile. :-D
  12. I've spent the last couple of days working on Katy. I decided to check the four wheel drive system out. I jacked the vehcile up on one side so front and back wheels were off the ground. So now the head banging bit. The 4wd lever appears to be operating backwards! When the selector lever is forward forward in what I've always known as , and the plates on 51 confirm is, the DISENGAGED position the front wheel and back wheel go round. When back only the back wheel goes round. There is a Norwegian plate on the dash. In the forward position for the lever the wording is FORHJULENE-UTKBLET. In the rear position it is marked FORHJULENE-INNKOBLET. Can anyone translate for me please? Also what is the fan belt size for a 6 volt WC54? The markings on the existing belt are 3030-264-3069 but it is at full stretch and well past retirment.
  13. I'd go with Pastparts. They do an excellent resleeving process with stainless steel. Once done if you use cupro nickel brake pipe , the job is virtually done for life.
  14. Looks like you'll have a nice side line in mobile mechanics at the weekend.
  15. Compared to my 12 volt Dodge it does seem a bit slow. I'd say roughly half the speed of the 12 volt. Possibly slightly faster than yours. Thing is we aren't talking a Disiel here if the piston and the spark at the right place and time it should go. Think of hand crancking that has to be slower than a starter motor. I know the system was in poor condition when I started . Katy has done more milage in the last three days than she has in the last five years!
  16. Having been rapidily introduced to starting a six volt in the worst of circumstances. Vehicle sitting for about two years since starting , with a reputation of being a bit of a cow before that, and an ualterable set time table to move. I don't see the problems! After a couple of gallons of fresh fuel , a decent battery the old girl fired up a treat. I had to play the choke a bit, but I've come to the conclusion she is running rich anyway. When I got home I changed the dizzy cap, very worn, the rotor arm , equally worn, much less problem. Follwing that a bit of emery on the points , re-set and a new condensor, she is starting very easy from cold and hot. So empirically the system will work anyway despite a lot of disadvantages, but when it set up right, no diffrence from a 12 volt system.
  17. Hi Splatt. What is your particular intrest? You'll find everything from the size of bolt to the polotics of the barracks room disccused on here.
  18. I've got one coming for Katy, but having replaced the dizzy cap and the rotor arm, both worn then a bit of judicious emery on the points , re set and a new condensor. First push and away she goes. So much for six volt starting problems. :-D
  19. You know, today we'd probably pay them to let us put them together.
  20. Are you sure thay aren't CKD units? Complete Knock Down was used to save shipping space. The whole lot came as box of parts, Airfix on steroids!
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