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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Splicing is not difficult, if it looks a bit rough, well it's a feild repair. The Eyes AKA Thimbles, and cordage is easily available on line. The only other skill you need is how to Whip the ends to stop fraying. That means wrap a thick cotton round the end. There are plenty of nautical books will show you how to splice.
  2. In theory, if a vehicle has a NATO hook on it is 'Military'. In practice I've never been asked for it, just as well as despite all the applications I've never even seen the footprints of one!
  3. Gordon, mine took about 5 weeks to come through. Joris, yes definitley! I also got a photo copy of the Drivers instructions. One thing in there is a full description and pictures of the vehcile tool kit and winch instructions.
  4. Great day for a Birthday. Well done for surving your Daughter! How does the old sayinmg go?' Daughters are Eve's revenge!':-D
  5. Could well make sense to have modern laminated screen glass cut. After all it will be a running vehicle not a museum piece.
  6. I've just recived the build card data for Katy the WC54 from Chrysler. Along with a copy of the drivers instruction and other useful info. (Great value for the equivalent of about £14 ) Most of the chatter is the the WC 54 was discontinued in about 1944 and the KD64 was subtituted. But, Katys chassis number 81687980 is dated at February 4th 1944. A couple of years later than we intially thought. Though it makes her a close sister to WC51 that was built October 4th 1944. .
  7. And I notice, the Hexi burners to cook it. Barbeque night at the clubhouse then?
  8. What? That was only lighting the Barbeque!
  9. Nice to see the New Zealand Tourist board has arrived. Nice toys.
  10. Welcome in. Please post pictures so we can all enjoy your toys.
  11. They were the group that actually intercepted the German Radio signals that were sent to Bletchley for the Enigma code to be brocken. They were also reponsible for the Special Liasion Units, or SLU's, therse were the units attched to headquarters that were authorised for Enigma Decrypts. Bletchley re -enchipred the info and it wa sent to the SLU's for distribution. Folowing D-Day they sent both Y and SLU's to Europe. And they used a lot of American vehicles including WC54's. The American' also had intercept units. And as you say 'Specialist Radio Bodies'. Though that a frame coming out the back, could be for work on classified equipment?
  12. Loks like an office body. A Similar thing was done with Bedford QL bodies that were used by Y Service, to disguse the equipment and use of the vehicle.
  13. Stand fast the Holy Ghost then?
  14. Navy working kit was No8. The original were molekin type material trousers with cross belts at waist and an issue money belt (Being the Navy it would hold about three 2p coins ) in Dark Blue with a light blue Heavy cotton N0 8 shirt. Sea Jersey crew neck worn underneath in Winter. Trouble was the draws keep hanging out the bottom and catching on your boot lacres.
  15. A sort of Twix bar on steroids as I remember. Like a picnic or more resembeling a dog's.... Made by Cadbury. The Mar's factory at Slough used to devote Wednesday afternoons production to Rat packs. You could always tell the coco smell became much stronger.
  16. The white type were a nightmare for skid marks. Usual practice was to have two pairs startched and ironed, purley for kit inspection. Who designed them, I have no idea and don't want to! The gusset hung about 4 inches lower than any normal person.
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