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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The last vessel built for the RN at Royal Navy Dockyard Chatham was commisioned today in 1962. The Submarine HMS Occelot.
  2. A couple of Argosy ended up with a company called British Air Ferries, or frieght. They operated from Castle Donnington now East Midlands Airport during the late 1960's. I flew on one once bringing horses into Jersey. Checking up the operator must have been BEA. Good old British European Airways, now just plain BA.
  3. We haven't had an HMVF invasion for a while. And Belgium is nice and close. :cool2: Bend Dave's ear for a coach.
  4. Well the HMVF staff car is either that, or... a blinged up Ferret! :-D
  5. Prototype for Jack's Limosine?:-D
  6. Very true. I'm fortuante to have a switched on Post Office nearby, never a problem. The other two local licencing Po's. Choclate teapots!
  7. Good old fashioned 12 bore alarm mines, eh oh sorry, I didn't relaise your supposed to use blank cartridges. Guinea Fowl, we had some on a yard I worked on, you couldn't take a breath with out the ugly little sods raising the roof.
  8. Welcome in. As a point of intrest LST 324 built 19 August 1942 was the only British manned LST involved in the Liberation of the Channel Islands on may 9th 1945, the rest were U.S. Navy manned.
  9. Beautiful style . Great that someone cares enough to restore two such diffrent things.
  10. Oh that's no fun! I'd suggest a couple of good handfuls of grinding swarf off the workshop floor , just to add spice. :cool2: Proven recipe on a fuel thief some years back, one three month old Disiel Mazda pick up + one jerry can of stolen fuel= one new engine, tank, fuel system and filters.
  11. can I have both? :-D What's the boats story?
  12. Wonder then if they might have been atached for Flying Control?
  13. Fill an old jerry can with a couple of pints of petrol or disiel and any other liquid junk you can find and 'forget' you have left it in view. Very satisfiying to see a vehicle on the side of the road with the bonnet up.
  14. Any details on the unit the soldiers belong to? The van plus the truck with a special body may be part of an interceptor unit or SLU.
  15. Nice picture of Ann Widecombe's Uncle, who was an Army Chaplin in the 8th Army sitting on the running board of one in the Western Desert on the episode last night.
  16. Welcome Jarek, your knowledge will be much in demand. Your writing is fine. We all speack Military Vehicle, so understand each other.
  17. I agree with Lee. Talk to the bank, if for no othe rreason than unexplained large amounts coming from forign accounts makes thier compliance people very ansty.
  18. Welcome in, next requirment will defimitley be a Snorkel.
  19. The RAC did a section of laminated glass for me for the 101 windscreen, then cut the rest of the sheet into three spares. Bloke said there was no point in taking back a cut sheet. Total cost to me £20. Worth talking to local windscreen fitters. Especially for a cash job.
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