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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. They are very limited in power, but the pistols have a range of a couple of hundred feet. Eiither spring, propane gas which both my pistols are , or electric. They fire a 6mm plastic or clay type ball, that sting! You neeed to show that you eiyher a mamber of an Airsoft club, part of a re-eanctment sosciety with 3rd party insurance, which is how I do it or Amatuer dramatics. If you are a member of any shooting, hunting , fishing orgs you may well find in the small print that the insurance covers you for third party re-enactment. Funny enough if it described as an Air Rifle, it dosen't come under VCR.
  2. Welcome in. I'm afraid my knowledge of Navy Landy's was many moons ago but I've posted what I know.
  3. Most were straight civillian pattern vehicles with no special modifications.HMS Ganges had a Series 11A fire truck in her later years, and a couple of 12 seat Safaris.
  4. Are you sure you didn't sub another vehicle? The original builders would have been proud of you! So nice to see these vehicles being loved again.
  5. I have a P07 Parbellum 9mm (Luger) and a Browning 1935 GP air soft from them. Great looking things, and you can shoot them to! :-D Be aware! For the VCR compliance they will ask you for proof of entilment.
  6. Cherised Cars might. But it will be expensive I'm afraid. A problem of youth.
  7. Those early lamps are still quite common, have a look on a clasic Land Rover or Mini site.
  8. Nothing Deviant, you just want the best. After all the lauded Colt 1911 M1 A1, was designed by Browning. He then corrected his mistakes in the Browning HP!
  9. Still on issue for snipers.
  10. Yeah! and some of us had to work whilst watching you lot trunndle past enjoying yourselves! Not that I'm bitter of course. :mad:
  11. Something to aspire to though! :-D You'll get the 1:1 scale bug soon enough. Please post pictures of your models so those of us with no ability can be envious.
  12. Regardless guys, a great thread, please post more. Nice to se ethe Forum used for an educational purpose as well as fun and social.
  13. Great news! And the show season coming up! :-D
  14. I got the records for my old one 74 GJ 38 from RLC musuem. I also have the chain for the strtcher lifts! It is a very rae thing now so I had to buy a whole length and have some left if anyone needs it.
  15. Hi Andrew, did you have your vehicle in Jersey a few years back? I do have a soft spot for the Humbers.
  16. Swords to Pluough shares. Loads of kit was melted down or stockpiled for scrap. Only to be rapidly dragged out for Kores (Sound familiar:D)
  17. Welcome in. Please tell me that is your toy in the photo?
  18. Has he paid his bar bill from last year yet? Congratulations!
  19. No brainer Alex. A nice Dodge WC51 Weapons Carrier. Others may try to persuade you from the true path though.
  20. Funny how companies drop thier prices when competion looms. As one company with a Nautical name said to me when I told them to stuff the quote they'd doubled for no reason 'Well, when there are a lot of customers we can charge more'. Trouble is you only really know how good a service is when it goes wrong.
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