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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. There not as such. The procedure is adjust the shoes through slots in the drum with feeler gauges, then spin the wheels and the final cam adjustment. The trouble is bleeding, the master is under the steering coloum in the engine compartment, and is only just above the wheel cylinders. The cylinders for the wheels are also handed. Provided you follow the manual there fine.
  2. Another one lives! Great work. The brakes on those can a right pig to set up but once done are great. Got a chassis number?
  3. That's if they ever let us back in! Though I agree that place is amazing! I'll pipe up for the Jersey Occupation Musuem, small but some excellent pices including two Enigma machines.
  4. TfL's own magazine is the scourde for the quote £250,000, so far, spent on restoration including a large unspecified amaount for six bolts from Australia!
  5. It's Transport For London. (Nothig more than that really) Though to be fair they have spent umpteen thousands to give me and all my colleagues a bit of expensive printed card and a little badge saying 'Year of the Bus'. (SShse)
  6. Perish the thought! Like they would never supply Meteor engine parts to South Africa and Rodeshia!
  7. My WC54 is 6 volt , clean earths and an addition of Frank's electornic ignition , never a problem. The 12 volt WC51 has one of Frank's boxes as well, 10 odd years now with never a problem, except one dirty earth!
  8. Must admit I like the idea of a 'Sweetner' to some Forign body 'Oh I say! Isn't it your Darling Son's birthday coming up soon? I have just the toy for him!' :cool2:
  9. You do need to have the pictures small enough to post. I use a free programe Photscape to do that. Very easy to use.
  10. Do you still have a recipt for it, or know the auctioners? Rather sounds like they are making this up as they go along. To start with how do they, or you know if the original seller was liable for VAT? and auction terms clearly state, buyers premium, sellers premium and if an item is liable to VAT.
  11. For purposes of identication. An item 'Lost or Stolen' can only be entered on the Police National Computer (PNC) if it has a unique identifier mark. The chassis and engine numbers of a vehicle are unique identifiers, so worth noting them down anyway. So if the little *&^%** do come calling in the night you can get the info recorded.
  12. I have seen similar models of kit! They were used for , honestly, tetsing of paint and finish. Though most arent that beautifully made. Later commercially made plastic kits were used. The idea was to give a 3D impression of various colours, like a selection chart. The old MOD site at Aquila outside Bromley used to house the 'Packing and Painting Department'. Dozens of square plates about 6 inch square stacked on wooden racks outside with various finishes on them. Got quite spooky doing night patrols as the wind could whistle through them. :-D
  13. OY!! Urgent PM sent to you!! :cool2:
  14. As my old mentor Howard used to say 'A bugger if they won't go. A disaster if they wont stop' :-D Invest in a pressure bleeder! (Or put the right leg on steroids)
  15. Especially as the content of the course has really nothing to do with actual driving. I had to sit through a day to be told I couldn't use the term 'Able Bodied ' as it might upset those who are not! The tutor was not pleased when I pointed out that the etymological root of Able means 'Skilled'. The mutter Bl**ding smart A** could be heard. :-D
  16. On the other hand! They can take it into thier minds to a be a Spiteful old B*tch!
  17. Special mate? She's bl**dy unique!:-D All the Y Service equipment should have been dismantled or scrapped on Churchill's orders in 1945. The Old Girl was converted to an 'Office Body' did time with the Pay Corps and was sent on recruting tours. In 2005 we were in London when an old soldier came up spent some time going over the truck then told us he was the probably the last person to drive her in service on a Recruting run around England in 1972, litteraly John O' Groats to Lands End! He reckoned top speed was about 25 mph. :cool2:
  18. I was going for Optima, then a certain world wide 4x4 competitor told me go Odessey. Far more reliable and better performance. Cost about the same.
  19. Being a true sceptic. We will see how long he lasts. Make a system foolproof, the DVLA/VOSA will improve on the fool. My local office at Sidcup were very expert , very helpful, and had people who could speack sevral languages fluently. Look what happned to them.
  20. Both the QL and mine have both been a looot further than that! :-D
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