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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Depends on what you intend to plug in. Normal fuse is a 25 amp. P.S. Invest in an inverter very useful, produces 240 ac from 12 volt DC. Ideal for charging and laptops note pads etc.
  2. Tony B


    Ah! If the problems were all that easy!
  3. I heard a clip on BBC World Service this morning from an American Female reporter who has written a book on how not to be electronically detected (!) She was saying she put her mobile phone in a metal fibre bag (A Faraday Cage) then complained she didn't recive any calls! :yawn:
  4. No TfL revenue getting tough!
  5. Definitly 'Keep off manhole covers!' Surley using a jack would have been easier?
  6. So the next question: Who are authorised to do the inspection? Would a local MOT Station suffice?
  7. Is it the 'Fluence of the Forum'? My Son's partner is due to give me my first grandchild in May. The Dodeges are now safe for two generations.
  8. Tony B


    I run at 40psi on 9 x 16's.
  9. I see your starting him young then. First word Doodge!
  10. There was an Artic White and Black 88 around here a while back. That camo was so effectivley you had a job seeing the thing on a sunny day! I did once park a NATO green Landy in a feild against gorse on a dark night. Found the bloody thing by walking into it! :blush:
  11. Understood. What with our dear darling DVLA making things up as the go along, and don't start me on that! At the moment I've no end of headaches with them over thier latest B*lls Up. As the pre 60 regulations on MOT are so new I may not have caught up. I brought mine in 18 months ago. My undestanding was, first an intial inspection to show the vehicle was roadworthy, and it corrseponded to the paperwork. If MVT have the authority to certify such then that may well be way to go. It is bugger not being able to contact or go into a local office and actually talk to a real person. P.S Ever noticed the litle disclamier on the DVLA website? Pass the Brandy and that Vallium snadwich.....
  12. DVLA local office, whom I knew be helpful and efficent, and the MOT inspector whom I have also known for many years. Question: Why such a touchy tone? It is surley in alll our intrests to get things right?
  13. As for MOT, for first registration on UK lists my understanding is that is still required. I got mine done at a local MOT station I know who were capable of taking the size and have experience with the 'stranger' side of vehicles. HMRC were no problem, the paperwork was done at the port, though from past experience I'd check wether VAT is due. As the vehicles was personal property (I'd inherited her) the only comment I got from Customs was 'Wow that's nice, there's the release document from the port , have a safe journey'. Forgot to add, when you go to the MOT station the vehicle will not appear on the computer, so getting the MOT is one of the first steps to registration. Be sure to ask for an age related number! I was lucky mine had been ex UK before export to Jersey and the original number had not been re-issued so they gave it me back. P.S. Might be worth looking into YOU going over and acompanying vehicle back. Often cheaper and you are on hand to deal with any problems.
  14. My WC54 came in from outside the EEC. But the technicallitys from DVLA and the insurance were that She could be driven on Forign plates from the port to home, and to and from her arranged MOT for aceptance onto British Register. The insurance was arranged through Cherished Cars and they were quite happy to cover intially on forign plates. Though now she is on the English register the Pre 1960's apply so no tax or MOT. One thing I would say is fit Front Position Indication lamps, know to us as sidelights. They were required in England from 1934. You may get away with convoy markers, but it isn't a difficult job. I used LED strips under the wings. Don't know if my examiner was being kind but he accepted it and it works well as you don't see them unless they are on.
  15. An old friend of mine was Chief of Quality Enginnering for Feild's Avation. He told me many stories of Sea Kings. Though any pilot and any aircraft that operate at night in a Force 12 to fly BETWEEN the upright legs of an oil rig that had brocken from tow and ended up on a reef off Gurnersey has to be admired. Give a good man a good tool.
  16. Great! Another little pice of history saved!
  17. Definitly Sea Kings, they are a proper helicopter, can do any job asked of them!
  18. Oh? So the Dancing Girls may be glimpsed whilst our Gallant Leaders drink Coke from DMS Boots in the Penthouse then?
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