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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Sorry for poor reproduction. The history is they are from a number of pictures from the estate of a former Phantom soldier. So lets fill in the details.
  2. Your NOT going to cancel the Barbie are you? :shocked:
  3. Invariable question when I show various cartridges at events. Are they Live?' often from behind a wall. :-D Oh yeah right I'm going to wander about with live ordnance in my pocket! (Only when I'm on a properly authorised range!)
  4. I was at a local show this weekend with the Dodges and met a lady who's Farther had dropped at Arnhem. She was really gushing about how her Father and family were treated every time they go over. What she can't get over is how even the young people came up and thanked her Father for what he had done.
  5. On the 21 st July 1831 the Kingdom of Belgium was inaugarted as a Neutral State. With the specific intention of stopping everyone using the place as the Battlefeild of First Choice. I do enjoy visiting Belgium
  6. As far as paint goes my local Dulux Coluor centre is ideal. I don't know if you have a similar srvice wher eyou are. They can match the colour perfectly from even a small scrap, right down to fading if required. I find Dulux metal paint to be ideal both in quality and cost compared to dedicated vehicle paint. You can only get it here in a semi matt finish, but that does make it easier to clean.
  7. Welcome in. No need to warn you about green disease then.
  8. You mean, the same place? There are also acounts of those digging trenches in the great war unearthing muskets and artifacts from from earlier wars.
  9. Try the second clip on the JEP TV. http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2014/09/23/great-war-trench-fails-to-evoke-fighting-spirit/
  10. Now why the £$**6 Can't they fly tip something like that around here? All we get is bricks garden rubbish and the odd burnt out caravan! :mad:
  11. If it is a KD you lucky... Most of the bodywork is wood, so get the carpentry set out. And post pictures!
  12. Probably , a pice of rope. I came across a roll of about one hundred feet of a Kermantel lay rope about 30 years ago. Bits are still giving good service as tow ropes.
  13. Start booking ASAP. Though not a major anniversary it will still get busy.
  14. When SMLE No1 was first intriduced on the 1 July 1903 the British Army still worked on the line up in a row and fire single shots at ordered range principal. The cut off was placed so the Tommy couldn't waste the goverments 1p by blazing away indiscriminatley. The cut off was only opened on order of an officer. Another practice the South African War put to rest. The Mk 5 and 6 .303 round can carry out to about 1200 yards but not with any accuracy so again form line, raise the rear peep site, mounted just to the left at the end of the bolt. Dial the range onto the the front sight and super elevate. Fire on command, and at 1200 yards the beaten zone becomes about 20 foot square. The SMLE No 1 Mk 111 was introduced in 26th January 1907 and remained unchanged till 1914 when minor technical changes were made to adopt the Mk 7 .303 pointed nose bullet. It was not till 1916 that the mag cut off and volley sights were officially dropped being SMLE No 1 Mk111* it stayed in service till 1939 when the SMLE Rifle No 4 Mk1 was introduced. Mag cutoff was found to have some use, it acted to keep some mud and muck out the magazine when loaded. The magazine is not routinley removed, the rifle is loaded from the top vis a charger. A metal strip holding 5 rounds which fit into pair of grovves at the back of the rciver. Push firmly with thumb and rounds slid down into the mag.
  15. Try a local vehicle sign maker. They may even be able to cut a full set for you.
  16. ask and you shall recive. Magnetic white paper comes immidiatley to mind.
  17. Never used anything in the Dodges or the 101 for that matter. Military engines are built to run on veariable quality fuel.
  18. Wheres the 3 point link going? Or will it be 'Got the tractor stuck...again'.:-D
  19. Welcome in, you'll not be short of conversation here.
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