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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome I come from Old Jersey. (That's the 45 sq mile place you'd probaly lose in the back garden)
  2. You'd have more fun with a Dodge! Welcome in. :-D
  3. Richard, Phil is going to e mail on Monday and get one. As you say for £6 well worth the punt. MF, as long as it works! The important thing is the vehicle runs, if conversion or mods nessacary so be it. The engine is in for a bottom end rebuild at present, so will be out for most of the winter. Time to start on the other bits that are now easier to get at.
  4. I do like 'Covert' except for the MOD label of course. :-D How long since you've seen a Donkey Jacket? Used to live in the things.
  5. You are Diamonds! Phil has been through the list but nothing matches so far. There is one supplier but at £35 a pop, bit steep.
  6. Special place for you in the clubhouse then! :-D
  7. Thanks for the help Rob and Richard. The filter is for the Wolosely or the MGVA engine. Long and narow. Engine curently in for the bottom end to be done.
  8. Welcome, all appitietes wetted now.
  9. Anyone know where I might be able to find if there is a modern equivalent for a Telca FG1368 oil filter?
  10. Sorry Dear! Can't hear you! It's the thunder and gale outside just now.:-D
  11. It's really a Secret Anti UFO team, THEY aren't telling us about! :nut:
  12. Reading an old book I've come across a reference to a French civillian escaping from France in a home made plane. Now back in the Great Days of the Eagle comic, or it may have been Look and learn, there was an short articale on the same incident. But the modern Internet seems to have no trace. Does anyone know the name, or title (I'm sure he was noble) of the man involved?
  13. I did read somewher that following D-Day the Allies had about 5,000,000 Jerrycans. For the crossing of the Rhine they could only find about 1,500,000 :-D I know where two of them have ended up! Back from Normandy and on my Dodge. :cool2:
  14. I'd smash the piggy bank, but... Just have to hope for next couple of lotterys.
  15. I think that the best that can be truly said is ,'We that have used them, they don't seem to have caused any problems'. Wether they do any good, I've not stripped and minutley examined any of the engines to find out.
  16. Thanks Richard. That makes perfect sense. :-D He joined 1939. Unfortunatley they are not my photos. The archive consists of photos, documents and a full set of period European maps which are up for sale, and I can't afford them at the moment. Though I did say I'd some research to fill out the history.
  17. I had one in an old Austin Montego, supposedly 'Unconvertable' to unleaded. That ran happily for about 5 or 6 years before rotting apart. I then transfered it to an old Subaru. The intresting thing about that was every time I took it for MOT the emissions were so low the engine shouldn't have run. The MOT inspector was scrathiching his head till I mentioned the Cataylst, he then shrugged and said 'Yes, they do that'. It is still rattling around in the a Land Rover tank. Intrestingly the history of the Brock Catalyst mentions the development was originally for Russian Hurricanes and the cats were placed in the bulk fuel supply.
  18. Canadian Dodge? Thanks Gordon, curioser and curioser. :cool2:
  19. Thanks Richard, I think it is a D60 Dodge, hopefully Gordon can tell us. The pictures are probably around 1939/40 given the mans AB64. I didn't know any 1/2 ton Dodges had escaped from US except the ambulances of the American Volunter Ambulnce Service.
  20. Welcome in. Please post pictures so we can admire your work.
  21. Sorry for poor reproduction. The history is they are from a number of pictures from the estate of a former Phantom soldier. So lets fill in the details.
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