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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Grow real ones and do Bee's a favour as well. Around the French side of the Western Front you see Poppies and Cornflowers growing together. This a dual memorial as the Cornflower, blue being the French National colour, is thier mark of Remeberance. The story of the Poopy is an intresting insight into the start of International Aid. John McCrae (Canadin) wrote the poem in Flander's Feild around May 1915 outside Ipres at the Essex Farm CCS. The poem was published in 1918 in the Ladys Home Journal in America. A lady called Moina Micheal read the poem and vowed to wear a poppy as a mark of 'Keeping the Faith with those who died'. The first poppies were sold in the U.s. and Canada 1920, the Royal British Legion first Poppy Day was the 11th November 1921.
  2. Even series Land Rovers are staring to go up in price. My answer is (Obviously) A Dodge Wepons Carrier. One young lad I taught to drive on mine is now flying jets around the world. (Gawd help us! ) For fun purposes you can get a Discovery 200 or 300 tdi cheap, so if they bash it about, so what?
  3. That one belongs to a friend of mine. I'll ask hime for more details on it. I know it is currently sitting in a garage. Though there is a picture of a similar truck driven by a WREN, pulling trailers loaded with naval ordernace.
  4. I have a friend with one of these, I've e mailed him a link. His has a truck type back.
  5. There is a value to it of course, and why not? I can think of a couple of musuems that would like it. Headcorn in Kent for one, it would go with there piloted V1.
  6. Wait till you get MY (Insert something abourt relation) Drove one of those in the War! For the sake of sanity don't ask which war.
  7. Hope so! I've got a set of snow chains I want to try out! Do remember one winter on Exmoor walking along the top of the snow looking down into the horse's stables.
  8. Got to do better than that! Mine got a Dodge WC54! (We'll need a Grandda's, and Grandma's corner soon)
  9. Welcome in. Ideal place for a rag top. I had an101 ambulance, so good luck!
  10. Congratulations, vehicles safe for another generation.
  11. There not really yours until they have broken down in a most embarrasing place. My Wepaons Carrier decided to stop in the middle of traffic in Albert. :blush: Problem? One screw loose (Not in the driver , this time) on the ignition switch. Took ten miunutes to find and about thirty seconds to fix. Note: Always use toothed washers on electrical connections! So saying, that and an over reading fuel gauge, which gave heart faliure the first time, she hasn't been much trouble. Probably pushing my luck, but I've got quite used to towing other MV's in.
  12. Most of it's there then! Go on it will keep you occupied (And poor) for years!
  13. Welcome in. What sort of Morris?
  14. Just point out any $%^££ can have a Ferrari only needs money, and what can you really do with it, go fast and get nicked for speeding? Ours, they 'aint bulding them any more, and I can do lots of things with it!
  15. Just something we all take for granted. Until it goes totally poo, literally as last years flods showed. These guys did as much to save London as the Fire Services. Suppose they had got it wrong? Cholera for a start. When you look at the Public health problems of a lot of other bombed cities had, these guys really are Hero's.
  16. He did'nt. His poor little lower lip was trembling. Anyway they do ask for 'Visitor Feedback'. Hostage to fortune with us lot really.
  17. Biggest joy, is that you CAN'T Rush! 40/45 mph is what your going to do, and everyone else seems to be nice to you. Probaly thinking 'Poor old B****rd! Can't even afford a decent car'. Try driving the Jeep down an unlit Belgian road in the countryside at midnight, with a thunderstorm in distance and the smell of the grass 'It's too quiet Sarge! I know dem Krauts are there somewhere!' They also attract a large social side. I've met some fantastic people through taking the Dodges out and about. One who will stick in the mind is a gentleman called Tony who came to Ver Sur Mer this year. He was ex RNVR and very unassuming, but his stories kept us in stiches for an hour. The other thing I treasure is that you have to DRIVE them. There is'nt a computer doing it all for you. Listen to the vehicle, she will tell you what is going on. Advice I was given many years ago, and very relevant to old vehicles.
  18. The aim? Probaly to hire it out for Corparate Events and Weddings! Got to pay for it somehow. :nut:
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