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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. Being in the Inde, a somewhat to the left of centre paper, I'm amazed that they didn't go right overboard on the wearing of "Nazi" uniforms & "Nazi" tanks! Wittmann's biography has him joining the SS due to the uniform!
  2. There have been rumours that the Vimoutier's Tiger will get some TLC and a cover of some sort. The remains have suffered over the years, not just from attention of prospective scrpamen. Mind you, there's also been rumours that it will be sold to a collector!
  3. Hawker had the P1083, "Supersonic Hunter", 50 degree wing sweep and afterburning Avon engine, design stopped in '53.
  4. http://www.anti-aircraft.co.uk/polstenquad.html http://www.mlrsbooks.co.uk/bookstore/index.php/prod727.html Possibly your poor spelling is making life harder?, plenty on Google for "Polsten"
  5. Great photos & a lovely "toy" How much to fill her up & what mpg does she do?
  6. HMS Vanguard didn't have any combat history. If one Battleship should have been preserved, then it should have been HMS Warspite. A veteran of Jutland, Narvik, Calabria (where she hit the Giulio Cesare at 26,000yds!), Matapan, Normandy landings, & Walcheren.
  7. It keeps the peasants in their place & on public transport!
  8. I'm not sure if the turret has been cut, or cracked when the demo charges were ignited. AJ's comment is highly pertinent, also, putting these vehicles into a museum sterilises them and (as those of us who frequent comcentral's AFV news forum, http://www.com-central.net/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=73, I commented that the museum-pieces do look "over-restored" at times.
  9. The Vimoutier's Tiger is in better nick, than what KW's got to construct his Tigers from (Unless he's found something that's passed by the eyes of the enthusiast!)
  10. Being but a few miles from this, I & t'other half, nipped over last year. Great little show, with some nice vehicles & people.
  11. If it has been exported, I'd bet it'd be put into a container, so CCTV would be ineffective. With the number of mainland European enthusiasts at W&P, I'd expect a "naked" truck to be noticed being trundled onto a ferry!
  12. Doubtless cost is one of the major concerns, plus what to replace them with? Will we see fibreglass Shermans, to go along with the fibreglass Spitfires & Hurricanes, that are now used to replace the gateguardians that have now passed into the restoration "machine"?
  13. 8.40am, heading north on the A1 near Cottesmore turn. Lowloader with an M8 Greyhound & an M3 Stuart - yellow turret number. Didn't look too muddy!
  14. http://saidpvo.livejournal.com/81029.html Loads of tanks & all that snow does make it look very Russian!
  15. The basics were, that several AFVs were sent from the US to German museum(s) for restoration work. Wheatcroft was contracted to recover them, do more work and return them to the USA. Some issues with payments were reported & the vehicles stayed in the UK for longer than anticipated.
  16. Looks like Wheatcroft's dispute has been settled, the Marder & PzII have already been sent back, now the Tiger's going too. http://www.lakenheath.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123309803
  17. May take a wee while, but looks like there's enough stuff to pull you out!
  18. Nowt that a quick squirt of WD40 & a rub with a wire brush won't cure! Looks (In my inexpert eyes), in quite good nick for having sat outside for 50 odd years!
  19. Hasn't Duxford got a running Conq ARV too?
  20. 1405292 The T34 (Why's this all underlined?) is still there & gets regular paint-jobs (Art, innit!) 1554372 Is that a Matador I see there? 1235501 That is a Matador. 1198978 Fire engine, ex RN. 2274570 Scammel Constructor? 391953 Isnt this a trailer chassis?? Looks like a Queen Mary aircraft transport trailer to me. Interesting bits, I suspect that some may be of more than passing interest to our keen restoration community!
  21. Right, I've £14.90 in my pocket & I've just found 30p, an old biro & an M&M down the back of the sofa, bit short still. Looks like a "proper" tank to me, is a convertable Jag not a "proper car"?
  22. I'm even more impressed, that there's still Maestros & Montegos still running, they were heaps of **** in the 80s, when myself & my colleagues had the bloody things as company cars! Rattling dashboards & that bloody woman's voice on the Turbos! Good to see nutters preserving our history.
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