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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 181) Nr.133 by deckarudo, on Flickr 56 tonne tank + wooden bridge = epic fail!
  2. I thought that only the naval ones had wheeled undercarriage?
  3. Not the sort of thing that you flog off at the local car boot sale either!
  4. As a slight case of threadjacking here, he's got 10 replica Lancasters built for his Dambusters film.(Possibly a Wellington in the background too?)Also replica tanks for his film Panzer 88.
  5. http://www.asphm.com/con_lien_rems.html
  6. Drop P-O (aka The Shaddock) a line, he'll have a contact for them.
  7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/50614773@N08/ Several original WW2, some modified & some replica + modern stuff.
  8. Seaside outing? They look pre-WW2 to me. Suffolk Regiment?
  9. Anyone care to give a phonetic English version of what Urdu etc, we should respond to these calls with!
  10. That's a classic! Churchill ARV?
  11. Some weird & wonderfuls there! "The Orange Blossom Express" M4 HST running gear? http://steampunkvehicles.tumblr.com/post/9366170861 T16 with a hard top? http://steampunkvehicles.tumblr.com/post/8224448219/noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DUKW "bus"
  12. http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300625379892&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:FR:1123 Adam's Xmas prezzy to Adam. Will my French cope? I've just about understood Eric Lefevre's "Panzers en Normandie '44"
  13. Memories of the Airfix LTV/Jeep kit!
  14. Conqueror "Carefree" by grevillesmyth, on Flickr Bang!
  15. Found these on t'interweb, thought members may be interested.
  16. Despite having lived not that far away and having driven/cycled through Farnsfield many, many times; I was unaware of this until one of my cycling clubmates told me about it a few months ago. I had the chance to view it this week.
  17. In a compound, back of the chinky at Colsterworth. A mutilated Bedford. Not sure if it has military origins. Also, tucked away in a shed at the woodyard, next to Withams, is a (I think) Matador with a crane back.
  18. I don't know if this is true, but certainly worth keeping an eye out for!
  19. Since we've detoured from buried jeeps, to buried planes. There are rumours of underground storage hangers with a variety of intact planes, under old German airfields. Confirmed burials of WW2 planes are from the Phillippines, where hundreds of planes were bulldozed into holes & buried. Underwater dumps of vehicles are fairly common in the Pacific theatre too, tales of equipment being offered for sale to the locals; who thinking that it'll be left behind anyway, so why buy when they'll be able to just acquire it when it's been abandonned?; the vacating Allies just drive anything into the sea, preferably off a jetty or a cliff.
  20. http://www.yadlashiryon.com/show_item.asp?levelId=63827 Hope your Hebrew's good!
  21. Highly likely to have been perpetrated by some who have visited the fair in the summer!
  22. We've been shafted before by US defense manufacturers (Lockheed bribing countries to take the Starfighter rather than the Lightning), we'll get shafted again. The trouble is, that defense is too important to be left to politicians and too riven with inter- & intra-service rivalry, to leave to the armed forces.
  23. http://www.thelocal.de/society/20111118-38941.html
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