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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. AKA a Wombat! http://weaponsystems.net/weapon.php?weapon=BB05+-+BAT Post WW2 (1964) 120MM recoiless gun, firing a 120mm HESH round.
  2. They came from one of the R-Class, Royal Sovereign, IIRC. Right, according to Wkik, one from her, one from Revenge.
  3. Here's a few of my photos. A lot more stuff here this year, Germans a bit out-numbered! Trucks ain't my thing, but I reckon the bigger one's a Morris. Lots of Jeeps around! Bofors 40mm AA. The shiniest Bedford I've ever seen! Bet it's cleaner than when it left the factory. Look even better once those quad 50cals are on it. M16, I believe. Oh, two mototbikes. One of a pair of Weasels, despite torrential rain on Saturday, the whole site was bone dry! Memories of my early Airfix years! Great M8 Greyhound. This chap had a load of interesting machine guns on his stand. Including this superb MG08. Not military, but a beautifully restored Roller. The lonely German! Austin?
  4. Looks like that's where she's steaming out of.
  5. Nelson or Rodney in the background. Here we go, it's Inverkeithing, both HMSs Nelson (Barrels cut off), Rodney & Revenge.
  6. Got this in the diary for Monday, day out with the missus! Hoping the weather's like last year's!
  7. Easy clean-up. "Hello children, off you go, you can keep any cartridge cases you find" The field would be stripped bare within 5 minutes!
  8. It's part of the Cadman's collection, like the Ram Kangaroos.
  9. http://youtu.be/m225CyqeEAs Looks fun to me! I remember a programme on The History Channel (?), showing a quad 50cal night-firing at a model aircraft target.
  10. The Honourable Artilley Company used them. Chromed muzzle-brakes, breech, red bits. This one's at the Tower of London, so could be worthwhile visiting it yourself? This one's in Malta. http://www.slydevil.net/Leonard/funeral.html One in New Zealand.
  11. Batterie Todt, Mimoyecques, Blockhaus d'Eperlecques & Wizernes (La Coupole) are all pretty close together. If it's a day trip, you could do all 4, but you wouldn't have much time at each.
  12. +1 for AVG also. I don't see any slowing down, but then again, with a wireless dongle, speed isn't great anyway!
  13. Based on the HK102 5-seater version! Effective? Since only about 50 of them were built (2 known survivors) in the last year of WW2, I'd say no! A waste not quite on the same scale as its little Brother the Goliath!
  14. Ah, I meant what's lurking behind the Matilda!
  15. Car driver was a bit lucky, only getting a bit of a tag, rather than a full-on frontal impact!
  16. "Cuckoo" was certainly repainted green, the others look like they have been too. I suppose it depends upon how much time between capture & reuse.
  17. You're doing well here! But what's lurking top left?
  18. This one's more challenging! Budapest, Feb '45.
  19. No idea, just found it whilst playing with Google! The colour one is a well-known Frenchman's field!
  20. Never accept the first offer when a policy's renewed! Home contents' insurance from LV, quoted £400+ on renewal, did some online digging. Just to bug the hell out of Chris!) Got a quote £100 cheaper, went back to LV, told them I wasn't renewing, as I'd got a cheaper quote elsewhere & qu'elle suprise! Got a quote that was £300+!
  21. Horch 672,000 DKK, Schwimmwagen 840,000 DKK. Or, in real money £71K & 89K! What was their estimate? 10K DKK each, or something like that ?
  22. The only way to get a Mossie flying, will be to do as the Kiwis have done, build the wooden bits from new. No way would the CAA grant a permit to an original, no way of knowing if the laminates have delaminated!
  23. Vulcan flying north, following the A1, near Grantham at 5.10pm.
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