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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. Well, "Didi" is the German abbreviation of Dieter.
  2. I'm not convinced it'd do much, apart from add a ton of weight & fall off first hit!
  3. http://home.comcast.net/~dapena/tanks/cipri.htm One for the modellers?
  4. Should spray paint them when they're caught.
  5. He had enough for a small army! What we got here, M10, that Super Sherman, OT810, M3 (or the like) Halftrack, multiple JSIII ?, T34/85, is it the nose of that Swedish assault gun on the right? The annoying thing, is I lived in Mansfield, spent hours cycling around the countryside near Retford & never knew about the place!
  6. Amongst heaps of Saracens, do I see a Stuart's turret, a Sherman, a Daimler Armoured Car & a Cromwell (Or related species!) Anyoneknow where they went? I thought the APC was an FV432 also, but looking a bit closer, opening roof & that circular cupola?
  7. Loads of Stalwarts, T34/85s, M3/M5 Stuart, Centurions, HST (M4?), FV432, the SAV M/43 as mentioned, M50 Super Sherman.
  8. I bet you're even more frustrated today, if the weather's like it is here! Sunny & clear skies.
  9. Eclectic array of kit there, some looks as if it was just rolled out of the factory & stuck in a warehouse. Bit of a design fault with those flatbed CVRTs? All that water pooling.
  10. http://forum.saxontheweb.net/showthread.php?187201-WARNING-scammers-now-trolling-this-section Selling saxophone bits too!
  11. Valentine in a Polish river. http://www.gimwarta.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=484&Itemid=1
  12. The known surviving Oxfords are in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, Beijing, Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, Pyongyang (I assume they're war booty from the Korean War), Bov's got one tucked away somewhere & the one or two in very private collections in the UK. Cambridge Carriers are even rarer, again Bov's got one somewhere, the other known survivior is in the Swords and Ploughshares Museum, Kars (Canada).
  13. I assume the 76mm is ex-Finnish? "Putkitettu" has a number of meanings (According to Google Translate), but "New liners" looks like it could be the correct one?
  14. Looks like the illigitimate product of a mating between a Valentine & a KV1!
  15. Your best bet's Steve Lamonby at Plus Film, he's restored one. stephendotlamonbyatgooglemaildotcom
  16. Try the following U.S. Militaria Forum → US MILITARIA DISCUSSIONS → MISC / UNKNOWN Norman D. Landing
  17. No wonder that a) there's still lots of rusty metal on the beaches & b) why no one bothered bringing stuff back from the Far East! Hours of fun to be had browsing here! http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1407-norman-d-landing/page__hl__ general apathy__st__760 Further inland.
  18. Yep, starter cartridge. http://en.todocoleccion.net/antigua-pareja-vaina-inerte-cart-elec-eng-start-k-68-d~x27298791
  19. Is it just me, but would the British Army lend a couple of low loaders if a group of Dutch enthusiasts popped across here with a couple of tanks & assorted soft skins? Must've really surprised the other passengers on the ferry!
  20. Well, we just found it abandonned officer - honest! (I used the "P" word originally, in the title!)
  21. http://arlequinsworld.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/the-portuguese-army-in-angola.html Amazing smorgasborg of vehicles & equipment.
  22. Quite a few runners. http://the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Renault_UE_Chenillettes.pdf
  23. The Ibis at Falaise is good, stayed there a few years back. Rooms are clean & inexpensive. Easy access to the roads towards Caen etc.
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