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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Excellent work, as always from a Czech! Good price too.
  2. Back left corner of the fighting compartment. It's precise position is dependent on the model of Sherman as M4A3 and M4A4 have the air cleaners close by which alters it's position very slightly. It has electric start by exciting the windings, provided that there is some power in the vehicle batteries or you can rope start it if needed. No cover, not particularly noisy but you weren't supposed to stay in the tank when it was running in case of exhaust leaks. Radial engine tanks duct the cooling air into the engine bay or fighting compartment to act as a heater. On other models, it just blows wherever!
  3. Bovingtons is a Mk II, the Brussells Army Museum have a runner.
  4. I have unused individual tracklinks and the various parts lists have complete illustrated engine diagrams. I assume you are talking about scale links?
  5. Hello John, good to see you here, looking forward to the next challenge......!
  6. You too fat to get in the drivers hatch then? I'd better drive it for you.......
  7. Which you would then never get back into the US......
  8. A simple two line system is easy to do, especially if you already have diaphragms and a resevoir. An RE valve and a filter would be the minimum.
  9. Ron, I dug one of those up in a pit of USAAF scrap. The general concensus at the time was that it might be a grip for a turret controller but that was purely an educated guess!
  10. Steve, there are new fairs at Mildenhall, about as far from you as you can get and still be in Norfolk or Suffolk! http://www.norfolkfairs.com/MILITARIA-FAIRS
  11. Hi Tom, good to see you here, there's lots on Diamond T's here.
  12. I think 00ZR94 was a Centurion. Shermans were in 62ZR20 to 65ZR89, 43ZV89 to 43ZV97 and 15ZV86 to 20ZV27. Not all of these may have been Shermans and there may be other numbers.
  13. You're not alone though I thought the two couples in their Waffen SS dress to be rather tasteless.
  14. I read the number as T149583. Admitedly it's not too clear but if it is, that would be great! I wish I could find one of mine...
  15. I was tempted to post earlier but thought I'd let it run, it's always interesting to see others opinions. The give away to me was the rear hinged filler cap on the centre line, only fitted on M4A3.
  16. Fantastic photos, thankyou! First two pics are all Rams. The others are Sherman V.
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