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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Which Diamond T? There were several different models and yes, the British Army used a lot of them.
  2. I thought the bidders id was private? I can't see the id of bidders on items in my watch list, am I missing something?
  3. You were not alone! When I had my late WC-52, I was always being told it had a post-war or Canadian body. The 6 wheelers had the same setup in late production.
  4. I don't believe that to be the case. Your entitlement will continue, assuming you pass the medical but you will not be able to drive professionally.
  5. Singe, are those 4" smoke generators? I made some repros for my Sherman copied from an original and drawings in the manual. They are fairly easy to do.
  6. It doesn't matter how big your willy is, if it's steered by its tracks, you needs an H to drive it on the road...............!
  7. No, an H category is for tracklaying vehicles steered by their tracks. A halftrack only requires a B category though is too heavy for a post-91 pass licence (possibly, this is from memory!)
  8. Can the police make you change a non expired licence? Sounds to me like thay found nothing to charge you with but had to 'get you' for something!
  9. I don't see where the director was questioning the point of the Friends, indeed he praises them and the contribution they make. I think his main criticism is in the administration of Friends income, a satisfactory solution to which may be impossible to resolve. As to the future of the Friends, hard to say!
  10. It is a Meteor, you're right about it being an M120 but it's still a Meteor, though very different to a IVB!
  11. Oh, I don't know, in that part of the world, those fashions are still current.......
  12. I suspect the troop tanks had a 'normal' load of 60% HE, 30% AP and 10% smoke. They were indeed there for infantry support but would not have known for sure at the time that Hitler would not send the Panzers in. The 17 pr had an HE round and the tanks were issued with it but as the primary role was anti-tank, the loading would have been mainly APC.
  13. I think Mr Straussler would have something to say about that!
  14. It, literally, does what it says on the tin! Box, spares and tools, armoured fighting vehicle gun and mounting. Standard item of stowage in British afv's for years. It carried the tools and spares for the main gun and mounting, not for machine guns.
  15. There were five brought in first, all pre sold, was yours one of those Bob? These were followed soon after by another 35 or so. The market was fairly flooded, they were only about 6k I seem to remember. At the end, the army were buying them as targets and they were going out as they had come in, complete and running..... There were always a few floating about that had never been restored, but it's hard to figure out where they all ended up!
  16. Oi! My great grandmother was Portuguese! :-D I remember this one still had the cut off piece inside, puts a bit of a dent in the turret basket.............
  17. Definately Chietain, known as Quadrant, fire control, AFV, No. 11.
  18. There are only five seats so I will have to decide who sits on my lap...........
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