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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. That's the one and as antar says, it was part of the demilling. In fact that was the extent of the demilling, breeches were untouched.
  2. Indeed! It was recovered, this is us with the REME doing just that. It went to Bovington where it sat out the front for several years before moving down the road. Back now though!
  3. I have a spare armament pamphlet for Saladin if anybody is interested.
  4. Indeed, the commanders speedo, for that is what it is, is to allow him to record distance rather than speed.
  5. Very kind of you Rick, I'll look forward to giving her a blat round.............:drive:
  6. Are the contents of the tanks pumped into the (presumeably Land Rovers) engine?
  7. The soldiers certainly seem to be saying ''Hello duckey''............
  8. I think those are Argentinian Fireflies.
  9. Contact Ian, he'll tell you if it's still for sale. http://www.milweb.net/dealers/trader/hms/index.htm
  10. Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles>other vehicles>military vehicles.
  11. A modern view of the same thing! I can't believe that was 2003.....
  12. I think he means the trunking arrangement...... The M4A4 trunking is different in shape though similar in function.
  13. American Licensed Automobile Manufacturers, forerunner of the SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers. Their standard plug size was 7/8-18 tpi.
  14. I understand the 25 pr was two minutes early and caught a few people by surprise.........
  15. Hi Luke, welcome! Whereabouts in Suffolk are you?
  16. Another tank owning Adrian....... we're getting quite common on here! Welcome to the madhouse.
  17. There are three M5A1 Stuarts visible, just out of shot was an M3A3. That went to Will Davies and then Nigel Hay. The Sherman is a Grizzly, the Cromwell is a Centaur, now with the Cadman Collection. There were several M5 HSTs in there, a couple of which are visible in the background.
  18. That Super Sherman went from Mike to the Littlefield Collection. We converted it back to a standard M4A4, it is still in the UK, though not finished I believe.
  19. The Stuart is an M5A1 and the HSTs are one M5 and an M5A1.
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