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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Not all, I would say the toe plate and upper hull side are original, the rest looks new.
  2. Anyway........ I've been very limited in my employment compared to many here. Went straight from school into my fathers engineering business and 31 years later, I'm still at it. The business has changed dramatically over the years though, traditional customer bases have all but evaporated, now we mainly do structural steel and mv parts and repairs. Specialising in tanks, we usually have one or two in at any one time with parts for other stuff going through too.
  3. It brings new meaning to Basil Fawlty saying ''Excuse Manuel, he comes from Barcelona''
  4. Blimey, that was a heck of a labour, your wife must be knackered!
  5. Unfortunately, they were not so meticulous in recording disposal information. Many cards simply state 'presumed SOC'.
  6. I'd be more concerned that you washed your hands!
  7. Cum on Jack, pull the other one....... Just the one joke, no more, I promise!
  8. People can ask what they like, they seldom get those prices however!
  9. It's more likely Mazak, a British version of Zamak with less pure Zinc. No help but interesting none the less! :-)
  10. Bob, yep, that's him. He imported about 40 Grizzlies, several Sextons, M5 HST, Humber A/C etc etc.
  11. They eventually ended up all over the world. Several in the US and Canada, one is in Waiouru in New Zealand! A few met their end on ranges, though more were rescued..... I would guess there are about 10 in the UK.
  12. Apart from the colour picture, all lifted from Wheels & Tracks. The tank in the last b&w picture is not a Grizzly, it's an early M4A1, that went to Budge and presumeably ended up in the USA.
  13. So what's the large hole in the front face of the block?
  14. As I said before, the first ones look exactly like 20 pr blocks but as the 105 tk was designed to be a simple (!) barrel swap for the 20 pr, I think that they use the same block. The new one looks completely different. It's not for a BAT of some sort, is it? I'll have a look tonight to see if I have a 105mm gun parts list and check that number.
  15. It's only Pat Ware in his Haynes Sherman Manual who calls the Grizzly the M4A5 and he also states it as having thicker armour than the standard M4A1.... Where these things come from I have no idea! The hulls were cast in the USA anyway.
  16. I suspect nearly all the shells are repro, real ones are bloomin' heavy..... The M110 chemical certainly are because they have M107 driving bands, the real M110 band is much wider. Nice collection of stuff Stuart!
  17. I'd rather have a Spitfire than a Mustang anyday. Of course, the chance of owning either is as likely as winning the lottery....
  18. David and I got very good at loading tanks, even my M75 onto a standard width trailer with 7" of overhang each side..... We never needed to adjust line once started on the trailer. Like you Mark, my pet hate is being asked to guide someone and then finding their gaze wandering.
  19. Eu de nil is the wartime rebuild engine colour, it was changed post war to sky blue. There have been a few threads on here about it.
  20. All government departments are facing cuts, if you can justify the need for existing staff levels by showing the amount of paperwork you have to deal with, you are less likely to lose them. Hypothetically speaking of course......:angel:
  21. Surely it's the front idler that is connected to the first roadwheel and is known as a compensating idler. The small wheel at the back below the sprocket is the track tension idler and was fitted in an attempt to keep a bit of tension on whilst turning. They were often removed later.
  22. Diamond T 980 tank transporter tractor Scammell Pioneer R100 Artillery tractor Ruston Bucyrus face shovel with Caterpillar D7 with LeTourneau blade kit behind Caterpiller D4 with LaPlante Choate hydraulic angledozer. Nice pictures!
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