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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Oh I know that Pete, Hanno and I go way back, far back enough to remember when I was taller than him!
  2. I have a few prints from the mid 80's somewhere.....
  3. He could be, he writes it far better than many of the English on here.......
  4. Here's one of his yard at the rope works in 1988. Just a small selection, I wonder what happened to all of that Centaur and Stuart track?
  5. Welcome Cliff! One thing I can tell you is that, assuming that's its original bumper, it's a 980 not a 981.
  6. I don't think the Poles or the Soviets feel they owe us a thing from the war......
  7. Hanno! He's ok actually, a fine upstanding gentleman.........
  8. It's a real address allright, one minute on google earth proves that, though I doubt the resident knows of any Chevrolet engines!
  9. Headstamps are the giveaway. M18 = 75mm gun, Sherman, Cromwell, Chaffee etc. M5A1 = 75mm howitzer. These are shorter. 75 DEC = French WW1 Artillery. The M18 and French are essentially the same case but the primer and crimping differ. I would be interested in any M18 cases.
  10. I was seriously considering it right up until you mentioned Jacks stylist......:undecided:
  11. I think, for what it's worth, you should go for the 95mm. It was, is a Cromwell VI and it would be good to see one running around. It is harder to do properly than a 75 though as the turret front and mantlet are different than a 6 pdr/ 75mm. As for a Saladin gun......:n00b:
  12. Any chance of posting it as a bigger file Rick? I can barely make it out....
  13. I was planning to write that I suspected engines were delivered new in sky blue later on but it was more of a feeling than a known fact for me and I've made myself look foolish before like that so I left it out! Nice to have it confirmed. :tup::
  14. Originally, Meteor I and III were a green similar to olive drab when new, eu-de-nil was a rebuild colour. Sky blue became the rebuild colour, I'm not sure when, certainly by the early 1970s but I suspect Richard Farrant knows for sure.
  15. Looking good, nice to see a meteor in the proper colour.
  16. Actually Jim, I've seen many people 'drive' Shermans over the years and you are one of the best.
  17. You will need to get a Form 6 but it may be difficult.......
  18. That M4A4 is not the same one Jim, unless they have removed the applique armour.
  19. Waddya mean? I have loads of room......... (and loads of shells)
  20. No Richard, I think you're right. True to form, as always!
  21. Well it's definately been transformeed which was a post war program so more likely range damage. It was likely an anti tank range or possibly artillery firing solid shot.
  22. I'd pity the driver, he has a 75mm recoiling in his left ear, not to mention a couple of 37's in a potentially painful area....:wow:
  23. Somebody with too much time on their hands?
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