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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Rick W


    I took our youngest down to our allotment yesterday for a post winter check. The fields at the bottom of the allotments are flooded higher then Ive seen them in 40 odd years. With the sun out and the floodwater at the bottom of the field it was like being at the seaside. Barmy.
  2. Welcome! 1940's weekend at MK Museum 1st and 2nd September.
  3. Potos are good. My 42 needs the engine and gearbox taking down at some point. Its still running on the original piston rings its never been taken apart. Keep us posted.
  4. I'd like to add that in no way is Tony connected to the Jersey Tourist Board!:readbook:
  5. Just checked, they are 750x16.
  6. I may have some at work will let you know tomorrow.
  7. I need a big garage and a big wallet, and a missus who is very short sighted...
  8. Thanks Jules, wasnt sure if Spitfire spares was the same man.
  9. Anyone got any contact details for Graham Adlam and his Spitfire rep please?
  10. Happy Birthday, another year older and probably none the wiser!:saluting:
  11. Good post, thanks for sharing! I was toying with the idea with mine, horrible starting, even with brand new battery and starter. You have convinced me to take the plunge!:tup::
  12. Cracking link with some great photos. Like the pic of the jet Heinkel in Hyde Park and the pic and stony of the japanese soldier who was holding out until the 1970's.
  13. Rick W


    I done my lads bedroom in NATO sand paint. Took me 3 days to get rid of the chemical smell! On a good note though I found this Apache helicopter wall transfer on ebay. It looks bloody good, in fact I was trying to convince my better half that it would look good on our kitchen wall, she didnt think so. Have a look http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MILITARY-HELICOPTER-APACHE-wall-art-stickers-transfer-kids-graphic-artwork-ne13-/180761306817?pt=UK_Wallpaper&var=&hash=item6fc4f9da8d
  14. As Tony said, I think you are far better off buying one of the EI kits,
  15. I wouldnt bother Joris, Spitfire plugs came onto the scene a few years ago, I tried them in a few cars and they made no difference. Just stick with good quality spark plugs, NGK etc.
  16. Well, I have ordered the plans, and had an email confirming they have been posted. We shall see.
  17. That looks quite intact for a range wreck. Are the French bad shots?
  18. On another note, it strikes me that building a replica, it would be easier to use as a base model one that was covered in canvas rather than a steel bodied aircraft, for authenticity. Apart from the Hurricane and the biplanes were there any Axis fighters, ie ME109 or Focke Wulf which were canvas bodied? It would be easier to make a canvas bodied one than steel. Failing that, how would you replicate a steel body over wooden formers without looking like canvas?
  19. Aaaaah! Exactly what I need! Thanks for that.
  20. That was the one Lee, thanks. Any contact details for this?
  21. Ive been looking for this as well! Do you have any drawings or plans that are available so that one could reproduce the 109?
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