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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. They need a dartboard in the PW bar to keep their minds focused on the important things in life like, why does my jeep keep popping out of 3rd gear. Oh sorry, thats gearboxes again...:n00b:
  2. And so goes the old saying, "Why did Maxi's have rear screen heaters, to keep your hands warm while pushing them", although Im sure it applies to many other vehicles, orange Lada's etc...
  3. And we have the Hurricane for our event 1st September! Eternal thanks to certain people for helping me out on this,(you know who you are!). Now call me a bit thick if you will but every time I check the site for the schedule the 2012 one seems to have disappeared , I can only see last years. Help me Obi Wan....
  4. I keep getting adverts for hair removal solutions among others on the right hand side of my screen. Im the last person who needs this, is there any way of getting rid or blocking them?
  5. Well you can always borrow ours, they will be closer to you than us.
  6. I smell "tank love" in the air...:hug:
  7. Watched it, it was ok, would have liked to see more inside the tank itself, tech info etc.
  8. I like that, wine flavoured crisps, genius!
  9. Hello, there seems to be a flurry of FV432ers joining recently. What is the collective name for many people who own FV432's?
  10. Bizarre , as it says, we are moving troops from Germany back to UK and moving their hardware our there. Its a strange world we live in.....
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