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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Awesome stuff, what are those huge axles off?
  2. International Comittee of Museums of Arms and Military History. Latest issue of the ICOMAM magazine is available online now, plus the back issues, all free I think. Thread below if of any interest to anyone. http://www.klm-mra.be/icomam/icomam/magazine/index.html
  3. Well done Spitty, keep us posted.
  4. I would have thoght the first port of call would be to see if you can trace any of the relatives to see if they have any interest in having them. There is an outside chance that they could have been lost, stolen etc.
  5. Hello, I think you will find one of the members on here lives very close to you and also is in possession of a comet "awaiting restoration"!
  6. I believe custard creams are loose change, scrumpy if you are serious...
  7. Totally agree with you Paul. People dont seem to realise that an MOT really is a very basic safety check. A car could pass the MOT and still fall foul of the law in some cases. Ie, the spare isnt checked to see if it is there or legal, nothing is allowed to be removed from the car for inspection, ie wheels, tyres, brakes etc.
  8. Good luck on that Jules. Any research on WW1 soldiers is a nigh on impossible task as most of the records were destroyed by bombing raids in WW2. My first point of call would be the Western Front Association, they have an online forum which has fairly knowledgable people on it. There is also a WW1 forum, cant remember the exact address of it. It would be useful to know which battlefield/area you have recovered from. If you know the exact spot it came from you can research a list of german units which occupied that particular area. Hope that helps.
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