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Everything posted by Toner

  1. No problems. It sounds as though you go through a proxy server that is pointing towards the wrong bit of the web.
  2. Great news the truck is back (With most of the bits I hope) I take it no finger prints were found or anything like that? %*£$ to the people who stole it.
  3. Hi. Just checked it again and it's still up. It may be your ISP is having problems redirecting you to the site or your DNS cache might need refreshing. I can take you through refreshing the DNS cache on your local machine if you send a PM (and you have Windows)
  4. Just tried it and it all seems okay.
  5. Yes, it's so the other MV's don't 'dis rapeck da bling' Ferrets are still in service around the world in one form or another. As far as I remember Saudia Arabia or Jordan have some and they have been used as the basis for an internal security vehicle somewhere in South America (My memory is a bit hazy, so if someone wants to correct me..)
  6. I heard on the news a while back that the forms had been pinched somewhere between the printers and secure storage. Mmmmm
  7. Toner

    Stollen Welbike

    Reported to the advert website.
  8. :-) That's one explanation! There are no holes on either mudguard for the standard type bracket and the hinged reflector seems pretty well fixed to it (I can't recall precisely but I seem to remember it is welded to the mudguard) I'll have to dig out my photos.
  9. Okay, this one might be an overly detailed question but here goes. The picture of OOEC18 shows the reflector on the right hanging from the mudguard. Does anyone happen to know how many ferrets had this style of reflector and why it was done? (OOEC13 has the same style, a hinged lollipop shaped piece of metal attached to the right rear mudguard)
  10. I's smaller than I thought it was. It looked almost life size until I say his hand. Have a look at his other models. Amazing work
  11. Hi The gearbox is getting ready to go back into my ferret Unfortunately the shims that fit inside the trunnions (supporting the transfer box) have erm, been 'misplaced' (No doubt I've carefully labeled and stored them somewhere safe. Err.. somewhere..) Does anyone have the sizes to hand or know where I can get some replacements? I had heard it was possible to get nylon shims that would do the job and last longer, has anyone had experience with them? Thanks PT 00EC13
  12. Welcome and nice to have you. Prepare to have your brains picked ;-P
  13. 1,753 signatures so far. All it takes is a few minutes of someone's time to sign. Stick it up in facebook or bebo etc.
  14. There is a petition to try to save her. It may be too late but it's worth a try http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/32526 It seems there is a chance she could be kept in Newcastle http://www.thisisplymouth.co.uk/ditch-attempt-save-HMS-Plymouth/story-16052950-detail/story.html Here's hoping. I know if she was in closer to me I could spend some weekends volunteering if required.
  15. He looks in a state of shock in the second photo. I have to be sedated to get my hair cut ;-P
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