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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. We had a little bid on an RB44 which didn't look to bad we don't expect to win it as the bid was quite conservative and it had a bit of accident damage, but still looked to be in good overall condition.
  2. And every other week we seem to hear of some driver or other in Manchester being prosecuted, having the vehicle seized or both. The 'authority's' r all over this particular subject like a rash with a rash on top of it
  3. Ditto on that Would we all be as aware of the Home Guard (Dads Army) but for this series.
  4. Brad, Looking at the adjusters on the other gears I suspect that you will getting to know the box quite quickly.
  5. Hi Brad, Undo the bolts around the cover above the brake bands if you're unlucky they might look like the picture below. Pic courtesy of Jim Davies
  6. What other vehicle dealer would have stock that hasn't shifted in five years. They were still buying stock up till a few months ago a Saracen & FV439 come to mind. Saw the Saracen on the back of a low loader whilst I was filling up at the petrol station in Rossendale.
  7. Try going the other way if that doesn't work drop the casting in boiling water. A bit of both will probably shift it
  8. A lot of the vehicles that he has have been in one Mill or Unit for the last five years or so. I drove one of his Ferrets five years ago I'm reasonably sure that its in the auction. I think that is pretty much the reason why they r being sold this way. Poor location for selling military vehicles, if he had been further down south midlands way well you can add the rest.
  9. Many thanks I was quite surprised at how many cracks the hulls had, the shot blasting has to be worth it if it shows up so many cracks. Does this mean that these particular hulls are beyond economical repair, if they are going through Withams or is it the bean counters?
  10. Hi Brad, I think the paint is a standard Nato colour and as such they should be available to you to have mixed up at you're local paint supplier. Clive Elliott has written three good articles on the subject (covers markings as well). http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/PAINTINGpart1.pdf http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/PAINTINGpart2.pdf http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/PAINTINGpart3.pdf I have used Marcus Glenns Nato green paint and it requires a very good stir (the same as any paint) but if you don't stir long enough it dries eventually as a semi gloss. Which is annoying, you only do that once! I'll include the standard ebay item here as well (have not used plan to buy some). http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120558949595&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1267wt_911
  11. Does it have a servo? I'm presuming not as its the only thing that you haven't mentioned
  12. Lots 123 - 126 Scimitar / Scorpion hulls I had a look at them yesterday just out of curiosity I now know why they were sandblasted it shows up all the cracks in the hull floor! I have heard of this before on this forum? How much does a hull weigh? I have an idea where these might go if the scrap Aluminium price is still high. In regards to the Sankey trailers described as grade 1 I would hate to see what grade 2 is.
  13. A reduced battery charge on one battery or two might also do something similar. I had a dead or dying battery and it did something similar and I thought oh no not something else If its a worn flywheel gear teeth its a gearbox move or engine out jobby to get at the fluid flywheel. Have you tried the MK 1 broom handle on it when it starts playing up? The teeth thing is easy to check move the little cover out of the way on the gearbox and have an assistant turn the engine over while you check the teeth.
  14. Anyone who owns that amount of hardware is hardly likely to be a soft touch
  15. Hi Brad, Those little welded bits originally had a different version of the fire depression bar see page 69 of Pat Wares book. I can not post up a picture here as its copyrighted but have sent you a scan of the little blighter!
  16. I'm sure that it will be a fine restoration look forward to seeing it run at some point.
  17. Hi Eddy, When is the carrier due in country?
  18. Some of those data plates look quite banged about and yet the metal around the plates is flat as a pancake plus newish looking rivets
  19. Matt, Don't forget the bit below the sand channel mounts (bottom right) you can just make out the registration. Have fun
  20. A great many of these vehicles have been driven onto range and then used as targets some fully fuelled and still running whilst being used as targets. It isn't the done thing to do it that way nowadays I am led to believe due to environmental concerns?! Engines, fuel tanks and wiring is removed.
  21. A small collection just to wet the appetite and from sunny Manchester.... amazing not from down south Nice to hear from you
  22. Famous last words but good luck anyway
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