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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. portable shower would be good... that W&P dust gets everywhere :whistle: They are available but tend to be bulky & overengineered
  2. Joris, Jacks' getting old bless 'im He can't even remember saying he wanted a Dodge... He can't even remember what day it is... I think he's losing his faculties Just nod and smile ad him occasionally that rest home is calling ;-)
  3. Sorry other stuff's getting in the way Stick around & we'll all share a few @ W&P
  4. Ewe lott mite knead it... Torque is cheep :-D
  5. Well as the son of a potter, I've made a lifestudy of breaking eartenware :whistle:
  6. Well erm' like i said... i cant remember what it was :dunno: PM & remind me Got an idea though...
  7. You feeling okay :schocked:
  8. The pix from Kemmel show the French memorial again and the ossuary there which contains the remains of 5,200 Frenchmen, only 57 of whom have been identified. What those poor lads went through... It must have been like going into hell itsself. I think we're all fairly de-sensatised to violence in society now what with telly, video internet & so on... but have come from a small town, village or countryside & be thrown into that lot... jesus... no wonder so many of them never recovered from the emotional wounding. Don't mind admitting that i doubt if I could have hacked it Terrific pictures again Snap keep them coming Was this a 'work' trip or a holiday?
  9. Watch it Biff :-D I can't be expected to keep track of all my fantastic ideas... there's so many of them :whistle:
  10. Have I? ...news to me :schocked:
  11. oooh i need to lie down... actually its not too bad theres was a 6x6 surf truck on a few months ago that was similarly wrecked... i mean customised :-D
  12. I for one, would love to see more... keep them coming please
  13. Should I get a Dog... ...or have children? They'll drive you to distraction But they can make you laugh everyday and love you unquestioningly (both) Get both & wrap the telly in clingfilm :-D
  14. Well... now you come to mention it... :whistle: Nah it was an excellent show and I'll take the hi-vis jacket as a sign of your involvement so :bow: :clap: :bow: :clap: :bow: :thankyou:
  15. Have you noticed how much better they drive with a load of weight in em?
  16. A Tiger, yes i can see that... Flowers yes A butterly hmmm but what would posses someone to leave Michael Wittmann a Cadburys Cream Eggg? :dunno:
  17. Simple... There's a fair few original pots over here but there's Dutch ones PW US ones pretty much the same as everywhere else. & If you're lucky an original front seam from a car boot for £3 *ahem* :whistle:
  18. Don't tell us your finally going to publish that erotic novel you've been working on...
  19. I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything to wear :dunno: Nice t'meet you Steve & Tim fellow HMVF'ers... or is that HMVF'ing... or Hummers Did you get wet today? A stonking Show BTW, well done to those who organised it Definately on next years "in the truck" list
  20. Well as it happens i was in a C47 yesterday...
  21. Well as it happens Steve... Just got clearance from the Memsahib and we're a'comin' tommorrow... albeit in the car but hey better than nowt... I'll keep an eye out for ya see y'there :-D
  22. If i don't go to any other events at all this year... and don't go to W&P... & find a flatbed to borrow... & sell one kidney on ebay My God I'm tempted
  23. By no means an expert, but it seems a lot of truck for the dosh considering a conked out Jeep in the same condition would cost as much :dunno:
  24. Hi Brian Good question! Someone will be along shortly to take your coat and offer you a drink Take a seat and one of our specially appointed Ferret counsellors will be along to speak to you and offer you comfort and solace you are among friends ;-)
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