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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. dunno what you mean *hic* Good work that man! There'll be another row of medals on your jacket when you get back and another storey on your house Agents 50 & 50 are preparing to go 'undercover' as we speak... deployment imminent... standby for a supply drop Mark DZ with red flares or failing that purple slacks & a nice knitted tank top massage ends :-D
  2. Rounds do seem to pop up in nooks & crannies I found about a dozen fired .38 brass pistol shells wedged in a gap in the floor in the back of the truck when cleaning it out for painting all 1980's dated no live ones thankfully :shake:
  3. Get 'em on. Get 'em on. Get 'em on.
  4. Have you tried Stefan? Advertises on Milweb regularly selling WC's & occasionally spares Might be worth a call :dunno:
  5. mmhmhmhmhmhmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmmhmh ppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft *pop* *ouch* :-D
  6. Looking very good the smiles say it all!
  7. Welcome James, sure you'll find something here to whet the appetite. :drool:
  8. I forgot that there's also the laughably awful remake of Bridge on the River Kwai (Robert Carlisle) My god what a stinker that is... Hoot with derisive laughter as a Jap squad turn up near the end and their truck breaks down... A nice 50's M37 FFS! Also look out for the camp being releived by the yanks at the end. All of whom are sporting rather lovely M42 Jumpsuits (spot the "we got these cheap from the BoB set so they'll do") :roll:
  9. It would make a difference to the handling at higher speeds. My mate was in the process of swapping his over (old bt's to new) & did them a bit at a time & the truck would get at frantic wobble at 40ish that was apparently quite alarming & hard to control... All new tyres going on were balanced, as were all old ones coming off, but the problem only occured when the tyre swapping started It looked quite odd as well following him with the back end skipping about all over... once all the tyres were done the problem stopped :dunno: All at once I'd have thought... or at least the back 8 at once (but then its only 2 more & you're done (minus spares o'course).
  10. It's not a Golden Snitch is it :-D
  11. & a winch to get him out of the ditch... usually :-D
  12. A guided bomb (dropped as opposed to fired)
  13. So, you're sat watching telly, mug o' tea/coffee in hand (sweet sherry if you're Jack) & the TV suddenly shows you an MV like yours... What TV programmes/films have you seen your mvs pop up in? in (not necessarily your specific one but the type... ...but if your's has graced the silver screen .... do tell) EG there's a WC51 in the movie of M*A*S*H Loads of Jimmys (unsurprisingly) in Redball Express (1952) & nice Clubmobile & what about some PW stuff Stolly Militant etc I watched an old episode of Lovejoy the other week with a lightweight in it Not forgetting the series 1 Landie in 633 Sqn :roll:
  14. Looks okay to me ...if y'like that sort of thing
  15. Smoke discharger projectile A smoke screen round that could be fired at the enemy so they couldn't see each other or you but you can manuever unmolested
  16. Do as she says then come back here :-D
  17. What a tw@ hope they own up
  18. Oooh if memory serves at this late hour... Left side = brake light & rear marker/convoy light Right side= rear light (ie not a brake light) & rear marker/ convoy light Most have been jumbled about at some point though (to give them 2 brake lights usually) so don't worry if it's not the same
  19. Yeah but Jack that could have come from any of us :-D
  20. I will be there chaps looking forward to it and desperate to meet as many of us as poss......plus the fact that Bodge owe's me a pint or two Don't worry I've got a couple of 'cans' for you already ;-)
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