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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I might have to drag my hungover sunburned backside downcountry again to come to this one... looks too good to pass up! Didn't want any money in my wallet anyway ;-)
  2. yes but Jack has just been fitted for the busty frauline costume... :whistle:
  3. wouldn't like to have to reverse that lot :-D
  4. Welcome Greenjacket Looks like you've got some interesting vehicles Enjoy the place ubt don't sit in Jacks seat (he's funny like that!) :whistle:
  5. Jack did you still want me to do that HMVF ad for "Plumped Up 'n' Stuffed Magazine" (other cushion publications are available)
  6. Very nice pair. What's the GTB like to drive... looks like fun
  7. Welcome Mark Don't touch the Rich Tea biscuits they've been there for months The Chocolate Hobnobs are hidden in Jacks slipperbox :-D
  8. Welcome... they're all mad y'know :whistle:
  9. & we know what yours is... if the graffitti on the HMVF staff toilet wall is anything to go by :whistle: ... & what are you curious about J?
  10. What he does in the privacy of his own home... etc etc :whistle:
  11. Ah...a trick question... They all 'get it' We also need a platoon of 'Jerry' who are all completely stone deaf and couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun let alone a Patton... erm Sherm'... er.. Tiger... I'm confused now... need to lie down
  12. Can I be a gruff 'n' gritty sargeant who reassures the greenhorns they'll do their moms proud and then gets it in the last few minutes of the battle after singlehandedly taking out a Patton erm Tiger firing a 3.5 inch bazooka from the hip.... I've got me own cardboard tube 'n' everything!
  13. Jack, Get your @rse back on that low loader now! You'll never have so many Jimmy owners in the same place who'll be able to help you out should something go wrong!
  14. A long shot... Have you wandered round the truck & checked the tyres havent picked up a rock? The cloverleafs on the dodge can get hold of a golf ball sized rock & merrily clatter away as you drive along producing a very alarming & expensive noise... been caught out that way a couple of times :dunno:
  15. Damn & B*gger :-( Is the power down at all?
  16. Fortunatley Jack gave me plenty of warning to get it ready... didn't you Jack :whistle:
  17. I thought it was Corporal Jones in Dads Army trying to infiltrate the enemys camp in 'Don't forget the diver'
  18. LMFAO Brilliant ... let's do it Can we call it The Dirty-big-red-longest-bridge-on-the-river-at-remagen-too-far re-enactment group? I've got a coal scuttle in the shed so im sorted for a kraut uniform :-D
  19. What a thoroughly shameful and disrespectful state of affairs... The council ... if it was their ruling want their backsides kicking till their noses bleed bloody beurocratic claptrap! :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :banghead:
  20. HMVF Global domination :dunno:
  21. Good Stuff Steve... Looked like a great event More pics... & more pics of the F/C trailer :whistle:
  22. Played the drums since i was 16 ...my arms really ache now!! No room in the van for all of us and my drums though :-(
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