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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. If saturday night is the dance then why not Fri night? Late arrivals can be welcomed (or pelted with cold sausages... depending :whistle: ) & at jacks request it'll be fancy dress a la "officer and a gentleman" He's ironing his dress as we speak I've got a bad back so someone else'll have to carry him anyone bringing a no.7 set :whistle:
  2. I didn't know there was an 8 o'clock in the morning as well whatever next
  3. Half!? Half!? If it was as many as that we'd be laughing :-D
  4. Woohoo :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :dancinggirls: :yay: :banana: :dancinggirls: :yay: :banana: :dancinggirls: :yay: :banana: :dancinggirls: :dancinggirls: :yay: :banana: not fussed... can y'tell?
  5. I do like a happy ending... well resonably happy anyway :whistle: great... now get your ass back on that low loader
  6. Well... come on what was it... the suspenders are killing us :evil: Wasn't your wallet snapping open and shut was it? :whistle:
  7. & the deadly German Nerbewafer ...Not forgetting of course the much vaunted Luftwaffle
  8. Initial test firing met with limited success... attempting a low temp 'biscuit' firing
  9. Excellent pictures and yes the fifty does look good on the Jimmy wish i could say the same for them sunglasses :whistle:
  10. Gotta love the P38s, a superb looking machine... Nice to see another wwii aircraft back in the air...
  11. I'm not aware of an 'Emma Freud' connection... but there could be Jack..? :whistle:
  12. LMFAO Brilliant! Hey Pierre this typewriter is broken... everytime I type 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' it types 'Send reinforcements allied landings occurring on beaches' Get rid of it, it's junk :-D
  13. I'm getting spring poke, too do i need help :dunno: :whistle:
  14. Everyday is a good day with 'Snap' at the helm Keep 'em coming... brighten up my drab day :bow:
  15. Whereabouts on the bbc suffolk site? Can't find it Having a 'cranially impared day'
  16. I'll be on 54% Rum over the weekend! You can't miss Steve... his'll be the jeep in the ditch with the loud singing coming from it :beer:
  17. Bringin' your own tent or do you still want mine?
  18. Well it's a Joni Mitchell album and a bar of chocolate more than i got... Mind you Lily is only 2 1/2 & Flo 4 months... But apparently those excuses don't seem to work when mothers day comes around :dunno: Are the dancing girls back from the Holland tour yet :dunno:
  19. Well I'll have to do something whilst 'sweating the mission out' :dunno:
  20. We're drawing up a plan of operations for next year where hopefully we'll be able to get together to put up a few displays (& with a bit of luck might get one in before the end of this season!) I just need to get me act together and get the truck finished ...3 more squares to go :whistle:
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