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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I'm on now... i think :dunno:
  2. group 3 no.12 (as hungover as y'like) :nut:
  3. I'm 4th from right in the gunners cap 'n' A2 jacket giving the churchillian salute (almost) :whistle:
  4. Deplorable behaviour... I'm just glad I staggered off for a gopher burger with brown sauce before the lunacy ensued... Enigma was last seen blasting round the arena throwing mud everywhere... pretty good considering his spark plug was hangin' out :-o
  5. Sorry to hear its getting sh1tty... Go with your gut instinct... if you want your fathers wishes carried out then do it... Its not about HIS convenience its about your dad... Tell him thanks for trying to help out but its family and you'd rather make sure it is done to your satisfaction and to your fathers wishes... if he dosen't respect that then hit him... & I'll hold him whilst you do it...
  6. I passed it most mornings too... spotted the sign gave a contemptuous snort & put the camera back in its bag :whistle:
  7. Very sorry to hear of your loss... Remember the good times and don't dwell on what could've been He sounded like a real character and a brave man... You must be very proud... draw strength from that
  8. Well I'm surpised that it fared so well :dunno: There was no shortage of people wanting to 'take care of it' But like Enigmas mighty steed, it was a force to be reckoned with, and will no doubt live to fight another day... "Semper Cerise" ... as they say in Dorset
  9. Its not being squashed... its being held down so no-one can steal it such is its value and reputation :whistle:
  10. Will definately come and say helloo & get our "didn't want to go to Bolero anyway :pfrt:" T-shirts printed :whistle:
  11. It is rather splendid isn't it? :-D Completely dwarfs a Jimmy when parked next to one :whistle: Nice to drive too as Richard, who owns it, very kindly let me try it a while back... nice to have a go with the biggest toy in the toybox :tup:
  12. I didn't get to see it all but what i saw was quite good... (one or two bits of postwar kit/vehicles in it here 'n' there)... but better than the usual saturday night drivel that oozes from the 'idiot lantern' :roll:
  13. Beltin pics of Bob & Randy Sandy :-D
  14. Are you breaking that Jimmy? :dunno: If you are I know someone's looking for a front axle for one of them... is it any good? Cash waiting :whistle: Does JB's Field manual describe the removal and refittment of a cylinder head as a "2 mugs and a packet of Jaffa Cakes" Job... AF spoons required :-D
  15. Any news from the kidnappers? Seems quiet...can't bear to think of it all alone in the dark... afraid, calling out for Jack...getting the stuffing knocked out of it :whistle:
  16. Got Superwinch on mine... they're very good... worth doing
  17. :banana: :banana: :yay: :yay: :banana: :dancinggirls: :yay: :dancinggirls: :banana:
  18. Like it The re-created pic is excellent but yer jeep is too clean :-D
  19. Yep an encouraging reply... and good to know they're taking the time to check the forum as a 'thermometer' of feeling... shows they're listening to what's being said. Here's to a satisfactory conclusion...
  20. Look at the state of you... don't go in the clubhouse looking like that Jack'll have a fit Mrs HF'll tear you a new one :shake: Mucky Pup :-D At least you won't go rusty now
  21. Not a bit of it... get 'em slapped on.... let's be havin' a gawp
  22. Superb pic as ever Steve, Just got the disk by the way thanks gonna have a proper look tonight :tup: We need to start calendar bashing for next year :whistle:
  23. The Gaz is indeed a nice one... I think its going to W&P... don't quote me though... The chess game was a draw... stalemate by the tailgate! Still haven't finished the chessboard yet... need to redo the front fender and sort out a few drips & runs :tongue: The weather was crap on the Saturday sadly but the cloud broke and we we were treated by a superb flypast by a beautiful MKII Spitfire... whata wonderful sound :drool: :tup:
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