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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Congratulations It was my youngest neices birthday 9/11 too
  2. Try these not sure how good/accurate/cheap they are :dunno: http://www.relics.org.uk/p0213.htm
  3. Oooh there is someone doing repros... Can't remember who though, I'll have a look :computerterror:
  4. I bought mine with cash :dunno: But no, if you only have the one vehicle then you're probably okay But as all dodge owners know.... when you've got the best... :whistle:
  5. I can see it now... an HMVF album New from Ki 'nell Records...
  6. Yes this could be the onset of what is known by us doctors as moses syndrome... distinguished by the desperate and inexplicable desire to build a large containment facility and gather everything about you (usually more than one example of any given item). Has the patient been showing any other symptoms... such as sculpting his mashed potato into the shape of a sherman for example in the clubhouse canteen? If his condition deterioirates in the night don't hesitate to tall me and i shall hop in the old wolsey and tootle over and administer 50ccs of slick50 that'll sort him... keep him away from anything green and don't let him wear his helmet in bed anymore... I might also recommend that all sharp objects be kept out of reach and that the clubhouse bar start stocking nightnurse on draught... This fever will burn itsself out soon I'm sure :whistle:
  7. I was deaf as a post from a Guns 'n' Roses gig at Wembly Stadium many moons ago ... brill :-D & couldn't hear for about 48 hours after an Aerosmith concert in Glasgow huh? :whistle:
  8. & the ropeworks in Hawes in Yorkshire
  9. Master cyl looks like the next port of call... seals renewed etc... a ballache but if your still not getting anything like safe braking... Although the'yre pretty crap at the best of times to stop unless you go the power wagon route & fit the disc conversion kits ... but for something that struggles to get over 50mph it seems a touch of overkill :dunno:
  10. met a girl once with 2 thupenny bits... nice they were, :computerterror: too
  11. One of the sides on mine were contaminated with axle oil from a conked out oil seal that had been running into the drum & slathering everything up. Once i'd stopped laughing at the price i went out back to the shed and took them off got the blowtorch and spent some time over them and burned the oil out of the shoes (which were like new just oily). Warm them up enough and the oil makes its way out. (depends on whether you've got bonded or riveted shoes (mine were riveted). About 15/20 mins a shoe and careful use of heat, brake cleaner mask & wire brush to rough 'em up a bit to take the glaze off and back on... fine and still on now... stops on a sixpence.... whatever that is! :whistle:
  12. So you sold it because...? :dunno: :whistle: ;-)
  13. Ride of the Valkyrie definately or Welcome to the Jungle G'n'R but mostly anything from the 40's/50's... swing stuff... Skin Deep... magic
  14. Our very own mrs hardyferret is a good source for this stuff... I got a load from her, and very good it is too...
  15. Of course what you should have done was turn it into an M201...in the interests of balance... to counter all the traffic in the other direction :evil:
  16. So has your WC51 got a Cullins cutter on it now Joris :computerterror:
  17. That Dodge is not going down the bog... it's coming out of it... (they'll go anywhere y'know).... just look at the colour of its wheels :whistle:
  18. Ah the "Dodge Dunk" had that surprise once or twice :whistle:
  19. Erm... Thanks for looking you are bidding on a genuine US Army Hummer in good but dusty condition... :whistle:
  20. I'm in Kendal... I'm allowed to use it! :-D
  21. Prestone is actually a brand name & they sell it in Motorworld just up the road from here... PRESTONE 07 ... hmm :whistle:
  22. Well I didn't see the guy stamping the coins but my friend did... He was stood waiting for me to catch up with him when this voice behind him said (in a foreign accent which he took to be German) "would you like a free momento of the show?" Frankly surprised that there was anything going free at W&P he agreed "have you got a coin?" My mate passed over a 50p which was returned to him moments later with the SS runes on one side and the tiny eagle and swastika on the other (neatly stamped on the queens face... He wasn't best pleased and when he showed it to me as we walked along i was shocked to say the least... by the time we'd walked a few yards my mate was good and mad and ready to punch the guy... but he didn't... :whistle: As Larry said, in a historical context 3rd Reich insignia has its place but not on coffe mugs and golf umbrellas and tshirts...For F**ks Sake! I glanced at that stall (or should i say one of those stalls) & thought "who the hell would want any of that sh1t and walked on... As for the trolley... i must've walked passed it a dozen times and just not seen it... not something i would ever want to own... or sell, if i did own it, for that matter... & just for balance I have met loads of german reenactors who are okay and nice people... however I've also met at least 3 (one of whom is well known on the WWII forum) who were absolute a*seholes and clearly more than just " reenactors... On the downside though i think its going to make it very difficult for German groups now as every right wing loon is now going to rush out to SOF grab himself an SS uniform and expect to be welcomed with open when they try and join a group...
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