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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. bit less muzzle break & a bit more "MUZZLE... BRAKE!"
  2. Well put. I attended an event this weekend where a very smartly turned out Air Force Officer stood at the bar resplendant in his Class A's (which had no doubt set him back a fair bit... with a beautifully coiffeured pony tail :dunno: The temptation to lean over 'n' snip it off was quite overwhelming :whistle:
  3. Sounds like a plan... We usually go to one of the local supermarkets and take a corner of the car park... It's a nice opportunity to meet up and chat for a very worthwhile cause We'll get our thinking caps on and see what we can come up with... watch this space ;-)
  4. Nice one J, looked like quite an event... shoulda been there, but like Steve said... :oops:
  5. Well whoever it was I hope they replace the full bottle "Pink Pouffe" Brand bubble bath before Jack finds out its all been used ... There'll be hell on if he can't have his glass of creme de menthe some candles a little Daniel O'Donnell and some bubbles... *shudder*
  6. Is it something Funerial? To get pallbearers of similar height :dunno:
  7. If you know what's good for you, you'll steer well clear of Jack's hardcore... ...not for the feint hearted :whistle: Welcome to the forum Graham... muddy boots left at the door please (someones digging up car park so it's a bit messy) And to & to all members... please no more doing 'donuts' in the car park or neutral turns... it's spoiling the look of the place & could the person who left the club bathroom full of foam please clean it out (I think the plug is blocked with Ferret fur) :dunno:
  8. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghh my eyes, my eyes Too early in the mornig foreew trhhisvc k9ind vvif rthingcs 0vma\db094y5n *STUMBLE* *CLATTER* *CRASH* :whistle: Happy Birthday
  9. It'd look a lot more bald with no .30 & no driver! I'd definately leave it at home... only takes one jumpy customs/borderguard & trip spoilt :dunno: Not worth the potential hassle :-(
  10. Sorry to hear your having such a crap time... I hope it improves soon... It feels slightly 'otherwordly' in that A all of this started when I was @ W&P & I missed it (came home to the news) B We travelled back from W&P & missed it C We've barely had any rain up here Seems odd that just a few miles away (relatively) such devastation & misery is going on... Not being flippant but are there any DUKW/amphib owners in the region that could help out?
  11. I like Nessie The pants... not so much (always wanted a Westie)
  12. I was looking at the 900x16 Omahas for the dodge but they seem a really soft compound & not especially hardwearing :dunno:
  13. It is spiritual... it's clearly the ghost of the hoover :-D
  14. Go for it... If its done well and with a degree of respect (ie not robbing the post office in it or getting paraletic and throwing up in the street) then it should be okay. I go to a lot of 40's dances and always wear a dress uniform. I've never served (certainly not in the USAAF) but feel that as long as i behave meself when wearing it and try to remember what the guys who wore it for real, had to go through to wear it then its okay... As LeeEnfield said as long as you know what you're wearing and what it represents (if asked) then I certainly wouldn't see a problem... & Remember that a good 80% of the crowd at an event are probably thinking the same thing as you :-D
  15. twin towers definately fishy pentagon utterly fishy BBC lying?... Damn you man, for that unacceptable slurr I demand an immediate retraction and apology If you'd like to phone in and express your outrage and possibly win todays star prize, The Muzzle Brake from a Panther Tank, simply call the number on the bottom of your screen now... Callswillbechargedattwelvepoundsaminuteandyouwon'twincausewejustmadeitupforsomereadycashdon'tyaknow :whistle:
  16. Nice ones... you even managed to catch a couple of my chums at Elvington
  17. Nice... I'd like one of them... there was a very nicely restored one on one of the jeep stalls at W&P & a couple running round
  18. We had a look at it early on in the week and it didn't have one... then it did have one & one of the German reenactors was telling us that he'd helped to fit it on... I noticed later it was gone again... never really gave it much thought... hope it wasn't nicked... its a bit depressing thinking of people with the same hobbies interests/vehicles swiping bits off each other! Not nice
  19. Is it an original dozer blade thats fitted though... looks different to the wartime one :dunno: I'da thought IDF or something judging by the colour & condition
  20. what about the giant wodge of notes i put in :dunno:
  21. reminds me of the opening credits to The World at War.... or Bonanza :whistle:
  22. Sounds good... already looking forward to blowing the next car up on the way to this one too :-D
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