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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I mage swirly patterns in tommorrow nights chip wrappings :whistle: (graphic designer for a newspaper) & occasional reproducer of WW2 paperwork packaging stencils etc... when I can be @rsed... which isn't often TBH
  2. Wow a very poigniant story... thanks for posting
  3. crank is another word for eccentric isn't it :whistle:
  4. I think i speak on behalf of everyone else when i say Abso-flippin'-lutely
  5. We must, in these enlightened and liberal times embrace all walks of life and lifestyle choices... gone are the days of shouting abuse at the "bucketeers" who used to follow their calling under a veil of shame... "foldy" "floppy" and "pail face" are no longer acceptable forms of address please bear this in mind the next time you encounter one of the "canvas swingers" Bucket... Beckett... think about it :dunno:
  6. Mind you, by the third AA truck i was looking round them thinking... Room enough for 2 to sleep in and the dodge on the back... "How much for your truck mate?"
  7. No :dunno: went home in an AA truck though :cry:
  8. Jeeeeeeesus Just read this thread... What a bugger... really sorry Jack that sucks... still at least you got there eh? ;-) bound to be bits at W&P get it down there & well have it back together in a jiffy
  9. This season 'ee are be mostly using pseudo-romano iconography in a tapestry melieu hmmm think i preferred the pink :dunno:
  10. Looks like a rubbish event... glad i didn't go :whistle: :argh: :oops: :cry: :cry: Excellent pics Steve
  11. LMFAO Glad to know I wasn't the only one to have a Basil Fawlty moment :-D See you @ W&P (godwilling)
  12. I think i can see herr hitler in it :dunno:
  13. My Bolero weekend was a good one too.... NOT :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :banghead: :banghead: :nut: :died:
  14. Jeez Mark thats damn shame... what are WLF spares like to find? As someone else who set off for Bolero but didn't make it i can feel your pain brother! I blame Jack Dunno why it just makes me feel better
  15. Back home... just! 9.45pm :cry: :cry: :cry: lashing rain, umpteen pile-ups and constant traffic jams all the way home transferred onto 3 recovery trucks with a 2nhalf year old and a 4 month old baby the missus and me with a face like a spanked @rse all the way home... A sore foot and a nice dent in the side of the car though :-D might go out & kick it again in a minute :banghead: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :died:
  16. Marty ... not being funny but you might try Vest not West... will probably get better results :tup:
  17. 2 hours of frantic running round like a headless chicken... think i've got everything... early to bed & up at silly-o'clock in the morning... should be there lunchtime...ish :-D see you all at the rally point!
  18. Brilliant pics Snap Little flurries of excitement and anticipation with each one not long now... :banana:
  19. Excellent news... looking forward to seeing the monster:-D
  20. Jack teaching nuns to sing hahahahaha very good Sound of Music anyone Cushions and pelmets and lacy pink tassles, Canvas and stowage and UV joint hassles Green canvas packages lashed down with strings These are a few of his favourite things... :-D
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