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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. here y'go http://ww2dodge.com/wiki/Category:Serial_Numbers At first glance looks to be around Oct '44 82031967 44 T223-32967 yours looks to be between these 2 here 82038904 45 But if you send off to Chrysler You'll get the build card which will give a more precise date... or at least the date it was signed off the production line... then dusty will have a birthday! Jelly and Ice cream anyone :-D
  2. backendish '44 early 45 at a guess can't find my link to the spreadsheet with all the chassis numbers and build dates... i'll dig it out from work in the morning if no-one posts it in the mean time
  3. Welcome The dodge corner of the clubhouse, are the seats closest to the bar by the fire... because A we don't have doors so we're cold and everyone knows dodges have a bit of a drink problem :shake:
  4. Oooh she's puuurdy Welcome Gus, welcome to the WC corner of the clubhouse (the coolest place)...but thats only cause we don't have doors :whistle: take a seat got any gum chum?
  5. Test bed for rocketry / rocket engines launch pad :dunno:
  6. Used to have an old 340 volvo that did that... used to put it in gear rock it back 'n' forth a bit and hey presto... ;-)
  7. I thought those shots of the underside looked familiar :dunno:
  8. At least when my truck breaks down it just comes to a stop. The pilots that put these vintage warbirds through their paces for our entertainment really do have my respect. Hats off to them i say. They keep the memory alive
  9. B-17 ida thought too going by the shape of the bomb doors :dunno: Location... stood in the bomb bay :-D... near Duxford?
  10. I just said that :whistle: first :-D
  11. Diamond T's pulling the tanks by the looks of it
  12. This is a lovely little event & well worth a look... Some great pics Steve... Met up with Steve & Lynne (Jessie The Jeep) and caught the best of the weather only being there Saturday... :whistle:
  13. Trafficators? (the little semaphore arms you occassionally see on some of the larger Brit vehicles)?
  14. Yep Ladies nite tonight and £1 a pint after 12 We may even be treated to / subjected to Jacks "The Full General Monty" ... no t'be missed We have the iced water and smelling salts on hand :shake:
  15. ... & what was the photocopier like :dunno: :whistle:
  16. Seee! Not all the cool stuff is darn sarf :whistle: Get yerself on the members map New cleaning rotas will be pinned up later this afternoon once the engineer has been and fixed the photocopier... Please stop using it for THAT Jack It wastes paper, the glass cant take the weight and we don't want that sort of thing in the canteen... puts the girls off their bottling up duties :whistle:
  17. Welcome Rik Hoorrah f't north I'm in sunny Cumbria ...watching all the irate peeps across the road trying to get their money out of the Kendal Branch of Northern Rock tempers are fraying :computerterror:
  18. The 900x16's were Omaha's if i remember correctly
  19. It was on this morning on BBC7 which plays loads of brilliant vintage comedy... Dads Army radio shows, Round The Horne, Hancock, Navy Lark, Sorry i haven't a clue Guffawing into me cornflakes :-D
  20. Oooh them poor old Stuarts what have they done :-o There presumably must be a reasonably ready source of spares or else they wouldn't run them as i can't see them lasting long on that treatment :dunno:
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