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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Bodge Deep

    Huey 509

    See you at Rawcliffe Hall hopefully
  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeew Roly polys have been booked... once the new RSJ's arrive a date will be finalised...
  3. Amost... you get a badge with picture of an HMVF t-shirt on it!
  4. Blimey i had a feeling it was you... has the camera been broken yet
  5. Right Steve get the low loader booked... I'll pack the teddies
  6. looks to be a good sized garage in the artists impression...
  7. First outing this weekend at the Jeeps 'n' Jets At The North East Aircraft Museum... so no doubt Steve'll take one or two snaps of the (almost) finished article *ahem*
  8. Yes ... the main thing being keep the workshy fop on the job and don't let him swan off halfway through leaving all the hard bit to me!!!
  9. Good plan.. like it money where our... erm... money is good idea... Let me know if you need artwork posters pdfs etc Jack... got a couple of ideas...
  10. British Field Phones... can't remember the correct nomenclature but passable for WWII displays ida thought... Seen them from between £25 - £45 depending on condition... often dated on handset or microphones or speakers (inside handset).
  11. Welcome Jan Take a look around and fire any questions you may have... Ladies night is Thursday in the Clubhouse (prefferential parking and Jack works the bar... sort of) Look forward to seeing you sorted with some green wheels...
  12. Its a hit...! We've got the X-craft Factor!
  13. Could be... We could do an album!
  14. I don't know if he'll pull away, his clutch plate's gone the other way, But anyhow I know that he'll try. Oh me, oh my, I hope the tank transporter comes by, There's no other truck I would pay for, But this is the one I'd turn gay for for, They won't have to ask what its made for, It wouldn't leave me flat, It wasn't built like that. Its absolutely fabulous 'n' olive drab and wonderous. And anyone can understand why, I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street In case a certain tank transporter passes by.
  15. ooh nice... wish i could find one of them in the scrapyard...
  16. I'm leanin' on the lampost at the corner of the street in case a certain tank transporter comes by... oh me ... oh my I hope the tank transporter comes by... join in when you know the words...
  17. Hide the biscuits before you let 'im over the threshold Ashley!!!
  18. You could make the point that it would've nice to be asked and have the number plate erased
  19. The trouble is the peices move about when driving on rough ground and drop off at speeds over 30mph...
  20. Now all you have to do is buy one... knock down your garage... build a bigger one and you'll be sorted!
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