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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. He drove like that all day...I didn't mind him humming the Superman theme all day to himself but i was sick of changin' gear for him by the end of it!
  2. I dunno you do something a bit different and someone always has to copy you!Yours might look a bit silly though! As i've changed me mind and the truck is now green again!! tee hee
  3. Yep they have peacocks... or 'bloomin' noisy, scratchy, bad tempered, incontinent Veloceraptors in drag' to give them their correct name!
  4. I was there too it was F-hot... had a lovely few hours trawling through the autojumble, admiring the vehicles and getting frazzled!!! Did you get any pictures of the old unrestored wrecker... think its a Guy Ant. It goes every year and is utterly brilliant!!
  5. I like rat patrol its good! You can listen for free but you get the commercials and it knocks off after a while... still a dam sight better than the usual tripe on the radio!
  6. I'd like a corner but wont have the truck (unless i have a lottery win between now n then!)
  7. Sunday will be the last big push to get done... Then who knows...? Possibly even a "Century Bombers" World tour of the South!
  8. My two little girls take up what little bit of spare time i ever had but I'd love to get back into a band again. Played the drums since i was sixteen and played for years in a Blues and Soul band... I'd love to do get back into it!
  9. We have a pink padded 'Bend-Her' Trailer for the dancing girls... but jacks got it full of tents, empty whisky bottles and trophies at the moment!
  10. no, no no its a Mr Whippy Ice Cream and Candyfloss truck... Nah Fords right, its a USAAF Flying Control Truck... Its been chequered for about a year n a half now but only decided to go the whole hog after Elvington Wheels n Wings show. Jessie had an idea and i couldn't bear to see the look of dissapointment on his face Will post proper pics once its done (next few days hopefully)
  11. Ooooh I love the Crocodile... A nice old chap near me restored one about 20 years ago and let me help him repaint it... It's all his fault!!
  12. Since joining this class Rupert has set himself very low standards... ...which he has failed to meet!
  13. You should do, they were your bloomin' idea! Behave or turn it into an ice cream van!
  14. You'll 'ave to wait oh, impetuous one!
  15. Nice trucks (although i couldn't help being distracted by the nice Lamp for sale in the second picture in front of the QL! Wonder if its still there ) Like the RAF tender very much
  16. The mudskip returns... Looking a little less... caked than last year!
  17. Superb stuff... What a day, you must have been buzzing for days afterwards!
  18. Good riddance to em Tim... hopefully they'll get back some of what the dished out, now they're the newcomers in whatever flyblown dump they end up in!
  19. Steve shuns conventional woodworking tools and uses his Jedi powers to bend my wood to his will... *ahem*
  20. Yes I am nearly finished... painted last night (till 'bout 11)... just need to erm... 'square away' I've been taking pics as I knew you'd go potty if i didn't!!
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