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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. nice one... dads got one o' them great fun!
  2. I'm goin' off this guy lol! Nice toys can we come over and play
  3. Shame the Wallis exebition was closed at Elvinton last weekend i was looking forward to having another look
  4. You're not often wrong... but you're right again!
  5. & bring me a small wall tent... no hang on, I want one now!
  6. Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff for the first time *tap* *tap* *stomp* *stomp* Drink *Hic* (gratuitous Dads Army quote... sorry)
  7. Hi Al I spend a lot of time in your neck o the woods (inlaws live a few miles outside Norwich). Lovely area of the country... & loads of old Airbases to wander round. Just remember no muddy boots in the clubhouse and if you use the last of the swarfega in the gents please let the bar staff know and they'll change the barrel.
  8. Saw the tent at RTV... I want one and WILL throw a hissyfit if you don't get me one Jack... you have been warned!
  9. Actually i think Steve's wincing from the strap of his Mae West riding up too tight! Or is that pleasure *shudder*
  10. Much better. You're always gonna have to make provision for attaching securely to your aerial or pole or whatever you attach to, so I'm not bothered about sleeving etc as I always do it meself anyway.
  11. I did promise Steve that I'd catch the moment he passed out from heat exaustion in his flight gear...
  12. I went back later to get a better picture but it had been crushed flat by some large 10 wheeler!
  13. Our trucks know the way so we'll have to go as interpreters..!
  14. ASDA Cooking Vodka has a lot to answer for
  15. About half a bottle on the first night... the rest on the second... the road was all over the place... I blame Jack entirely
  16. Our esteemed leader demonstrates the means by which he will ensure his next haircut goes to plan...
  17. Littlecote Manor, CP for the 506 and a stunning building steeped in history (of which the 101st A/B are only a tiny part!)
  18. Some excellent "in the mood" lighting in the village pub car park!
  19. returning from the plains we saw got glimpses of the convoy stretching out in both directions and also saw 2 of the rarest signs together as mentioned in the "observers" spotters book of british roadsigns!
  20. Some reenactors from The Hampshire Regt in the back of Jacks truck with Degsy bringing up the rear and taking in some wonderful countryside... (one of the best features of the convoys was the avoidance of bypasses and major roads giving a much more 'period feel')
  21. Jacks Jimmy n Lawsons Tipper doing their thing
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