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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Not to mention its soft and absorbent qualities...
  2. A shearling romper suit and electrically heated bootees on order from Jack And a Wright Cyclone powered bottle warmer on its way to you compliments of the forum members (don't use in confined spaces) Congratulations to you both she's lovely (and a good aviation girls name too... Ms Earhart would be proud!!!!)
  3. cor... not more tanks I heard they're givin' 'em away with petrol now not fair i want one!
  4. In some far flung outpost eh? Remember shout in English, demand ketchup on everything and refuse anything local... you are an abassador to this country... don't let us down!!
  5. A weapon of Massey destruction... ...sorry!
  6. He can't tell us that either... ...but thats because he can't remember why he can't tell us why he can't tell us!
  7. Welcome Dave Sounds like an interesting truck, lets be havin' a look... As another member of our Northern chapter you will of course be excused kitchen duties for the first week and be allocated parking in the more picturesque area of the clubhouse carpark (overlooking Jacks Bonsai collection).
  8. Welcome Carman... any relation to Batman? Full english for me please... My bodies a temple too... it's the ruined one with monkeys living in it
  9. I seem to recall an all excellent wooden model of a Churchill tank on there a few years back as well.
  10. Well I've never been to Tanks in Town so don't really know the setup therein... but They managed a bloody good procession at RTV which was excellent. But I'd not really be expecting an RTV style road run from armour as I can well understand how financially crippling a long run in a Sherman for example would be. Surely it'd be more a case of 'bring 'em into a square for a few hours then a short run to a site where they're allowed to go through their paces and we all get to watch and drool...
  11. You're doing a great job lads... cobblers to the ignorant trader... I certainly wouldn't want to put money in his pocket... perhaps he hasn't quite figued out that his job/livelihood relies on what these men did... regardless of what he's selling!
  12. Mind you when you look at the serial numbers coming off the production line they are doing 6 & 12 volt variants at the same time... just to be confusing!
  13. no, think they moved it about... some in body some under bonnet... mines under the bonnet, my mates is the same... dunno?
  14. Tanks .. near a town... on private land... sort of thing!
  15. far as i can tell... it looks right... any block numbers?
  16. I've got one here Jack, want me to forward it to him... Have a nice non implied or suggested birthday!
  17. Bloody brilliant! Well done to all concerned and all who have donated so far. Shift up a gear and ram on, I say! Its not as if we could raise too much for the NVA... they need support and we (HMVF) are in the great position of being able to provide some of it... We'll never be able to thank these men enough and too many we'll never be able to thank at all The most we can do... is the very least we should be doing... ...if you know what i mean?
  18. I've been doing this for a few years with one of our local primary schools... don't worry they'll not be short of stuff to say even if you are lol! Stuff to try on always works... helmets, caps etc... gear... belts, webbing... pick the smallest kid and load him up..! Stuff to show that would've appealed to them had they been that age during war time... shrapnel, tin toys (wot no wii !!!), wooden toys, "got any gum, Chum? etc etc... Take a wide range of stuff and you'll be fightin' the little monkeys off!! Watch out for knives n deacts though... sounds obvious but i had stuff tied on that i hadnt considered as being dangerous till the truck was surrounded in a schoolyard by little hands!! One of my highlights last year was... Whats that? Its a typewriter Cooooooool... wassit for? You do get a feeling of 'passing on enthusiasm' which is nice. You also get to make someones day/week/month I did one last year where one little lad was so over excited at the prospect of seeing a real army truck the teacher said he'd been sick! He was stood at the back looking sheepish and green so i told him to 'sit in the drivers seat, put on that helmet on and guard the truck whilst i natter to the rest'... It was worth the lost day for the look of sheer delight on his face...
  19. I'd buy a whopping great garage with some kind of house attached!
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