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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Well done again Jack this place just gets better and better! And thats the amazing thing... It's not a place... its just all of us sat individually gawping at computer screens somewhere across the globe, at some odd hour of the day or night, feeling like you have mates around you! Its no coincidence that the whole 'clubhouse' running joke is picked up by nearly every new member and perpetuated because it is exactly what it feels like. A friendly welcoming environment where you can ask the most poigniant of questions or simply have a natter without fear of being laughed at or shot down, in the knowledge that your green obsession is not given a sideways look! You've given us the best pub, best photo album, best meeting room, best telly and most concise 'Maintenance Manuals' all rolled into one. Your drive and enthusiasm is utterly infectious and has taken the entire movement in new and exciting directions... We've often spoken about entrenched issues and dated thinking within the movement and how a breath of fresh air is needed... Well mate, wether you realised it or not...you're it! Enjoy the credit, you've earned it... & to the 'nay sayers' ya-boo-sucks! Oh and give the Dutch guy a pay rise... Dodge and child to support now (not necessarily in that order though!)
  2. Thanks! Working on the levitating bidet as we speak!
  3. & there's me hoping for a productive weekend and all Jessie wanted to do was scoff my chocolate hobnobs and make make me cut out boomerangs... All will be revealed shortly...
  4. Mrs Bodges Grandfather passed away yesterday and despite chatting to him whenever I got the chance about his time in the RAF during the war as an LAC working on bombers as an H2s fitter, we (wife & I) only found out today (as is often the case) that he was mentioned in Despatches in January 1945! Is there any way of finding out what he did that was worthy of such a mention? Any help would be much appreciated (not to mention prove to the missus that all my time spent gawking at HMVF is not wasted time!!!). many thanks....
  5. Oh gawd there'll be no living with him now!! Well done Jack, thoroughly deserved...
  6. Bodge Deep


    Well done to mrs J and a slap on the back to you well done... Jeep do prams now, by the way... !
  7. Sadly now they are in the public domain, so to speak, in that they are now known to be there, they should probably be placed in a secure environment. Whilst most of us look at them and see war graves and the remnants of war, others will no doubt see $$$'s.
  8. Thanks for those Tim... nice sneaky peak... is it busy as usual? Fuel not keeping the big stuff away? Wasn't missing it... 'till now... *sob*
  9. Is it a Heath Robinson-esque means of engaging German armour at very close range... to stand a chance of knocking out Panthers / Tigers etc?
  10. You mean its not THERE, earning its stripes?
  11. mini subs... like small sandwiches!
  12. Number 1 looks like a T34 wearing a concrete overcoat! Is it an early forray into armour for the mafia!
  13. Looks like initials for Duxford one side IWM on the other... curious
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