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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Were it not for the fact that the radio isnt fitted and the chair isnt here yet i'd agree with you entirely...
  2. Wasn't there a cafe for servicemen that was hit too, across the road? I seem to recall there were British servicemen and US killed as well as the children and the aircrews concerned?
  3. Had the great pleasure a few years ago of visiting one of the last 'official' reunions of the USAAF Burtonwood veterans & drove a handfull up n down the road in the truck whilst Granada TV interviewed them in the back... But whilst at the reunion i was introduced to a very nice little old lady who was a pupil at the school and one of the very few survivors of the tradgey... not much more than a toddler at the time, apparently she was on her way back from the bathroom when the crash occured and although badly burned, was protected by a retaining wall which managed to withstand the impact. It was a pleasure to meet her and a privelidge to hear her story first hand.
  4. Nice lamp... someone must've really liked you to give you one of them... I'll 'ave it back now you've done it up...
  5. Cheers chaps... love you all... apart from you Beckett! You're a dead man... I know where you work... i'll catch you when you're asleep (middle of the day!!!!) Cheers Ian Think i was overcome by the hydrogen fumes last night... or was that underwhelmed!
  6. 43!! 43!!! 40-'kin'-3!!!! Y'cheeky bugger! 37 thank you! Havin' a lazy day... is there any other sort ha ha! Got a corking original 5x3foot WWII 48 star 'old glory' from brother and parents... well chuffed Aaaaand relapse!
  7. I'll have one of these please...
  8. Nice work, a nice looking lid
  9. One heck of a doorstop!! Centurion?
  10. Looks very good... I've got "The World's Greatest Air Depot" also by Mr Holmes which is an excellent reference too... I think the jeep on the cover is the same one I've got with a plexiglass canopy for the driver... some fascinating improvised modifications
  11. I've got some pics of searchlights in use by USAAF flying control units for illuminating runways in por light/fog/rain etc... I'll see if i can find them... similar looking rig. @ 240v will you be running them off a jenny of some sort?
  12. Nice bit of kit... I don't know the date either but they're very smart... good stuff
  13. Hopefully taking the truck... We were there last night watching the Swing Commanders playing on the platform of the visitors centre! There's a lot of interest in the event... looks like its gonn be good and hopefully a regular event! It was great watching people on the trains as they pulled up at the opposite platform gawping out of the train windows at a band playing and loads of people in 40's clothes and uniforms dancing!
  14. Yes it does look like a back boiler from a range or fireplace.
  15. looks okay i s'pose But i bet you can't put a Rowntrees Fruit Pastel in your mouth without chewing it...
  16. Don't know why but I'm forcibly reminded of that poster you used to see in swimming pools... NO Bombing! It does seem to leap into the water with a smile on its face
  17. Wasn't there a pre-war Finnish display at W&P a couple of years ago with a Hetzer & a border post?
  18. Its a corking museum and you could easily lose a day in there... They used to have living exhibits (reenactors really) who would give monologues at gven intervals... very good.
  19. Probably too far gone but you never know... a good donor at the very least All i've got at the bottom of my garden is my kids tricycles and cat poo!
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