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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Nice cushion Jack The 'Emma Freuds' playin' up again?
  2. I haven't seen the RAF museum but I agree wholeheartedly with Tony. Whilst visiting family in the area I was adamant that I visited the D-Day Museum. Rather dissapointing in my opinion...
  3. Fixed it.... but now i have RSI and ny eytsihgt is geeeeeettttttttttginining worsererer oooh i feelll ununununsual... mussst lie doooowwnwnn
  4. Anyone know the diameter of the top and bottom rad hoses for the WC51? I'm here... & its there... if you know what i mean!
  5. & sadly there's only 456 of them left still in existence... teehee... I'll get me coat!
  6. just think... one good bomb!!!!
  7. Thats a very strange looking wheelclamp on that halftrack, complete with a red flag... Is that one of those new 'Skunk' model anti theft devices?
  8. Suddenly the Christmas tree didn't seem quite so cheap after all
  9. How do... take a seat... no oily overalls in the clubhouse locker key and parking permit at reception desk... ask Maureen she'll give you all the necessary
  10. Any explenation as to their crappy performance?
  11. My brother and I went to the war memorial in town today and observed the ceremony. At the stroke of 11 the whole world seemed to stop... I've never seen it so quiet in all the years I've been going ... so moving. Traffic stopped, tills stopped, shop radios went off, passers by who obviously weren't there to observe stopped, everything seemed to take a breath and reflect. The rain lashed harder and the wind blew stronger... the silence was deafening. What an incredibly powerful and beautiful sentiment that 2 minutes silence is...
  12. there's a clue in my post ... but as yet I don't want to do anything without the say so of the RBL guy who I'll speak to later on today...
  13. Yeah there's a lot of it about sadly... Collected at a well known supermarket saturday before last... after applying in writing, jumping through hoops... putting up with a snotty customer service manager who needed her arse kicking till her nose bled & a disssinterested manager & (who wouldn't even come downstairs to talk to me) only to go back midweek to ask if we could collect again only to be ginven a flat "no!" I can think of MORE REASONS why they won't be getting any more of my 'kin money! So went across to a discount supermarket (German company incidentally) who said yeah no problem and couldn't have been more helpful!!!! People eh?
  14. They obviously couldn't understand a bl**dy word you said either!
  15. wybn ndsgy msn h msjsn l[d0em nj37b ...which was nice!
  16. Looks like the 'newness' just wore off!
  17. Shoulda come to Morrisons in Kendal... 2 jeeps 2 Dodges on saturday... again next Saturday... with live music...possibly!
  18. They're nice and warm as you'd expect and don't look out of place in everyday wear There's much grinding of teeth regarding collars n cuffs though!!! The wartime issue jackets were tan with a mid OD elasticated woven cuff and collar but the cheaper end repro jackets are (still i think) pretty much all one shade of tan. Not completely wrong... but not completely right... if you get me!! But with most GI Issue clothing manufacturers, consistency was not a concern, they pretty much came out as fast and as cheaply as possible.
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