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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Wow there's some nice stuff in there... A WC56 (or whats left of it) and a T20 Fergie (last pic) Wouldn't mind finding that lot at the bottom of the garden
  2. I recon if you look hard enough in lot 67 you'll find the Ark of The Covenant! & a nice stack of late war pattern US footlockers in lot 81
  3. I didn't know The Village People were re-forming :0
  4. I remember the 'Aphrodite' bombers which were explosive packed war weary b17s with open cockpits... don't recall them bein radio control though. I remember the pigeon missiles
  5. Well there you go... she's not against the idea
  6. Ooh thats nice... a lik of OD and some USAAF markings... lovely! get it bought... she'll come round eventually!
  7. He's got a point However as all you southern softies are too scared to drive north of Birmingham I guess we'll have to come to you... again! Not bringing the truck though... I've heard about you lot... sticky fingers
  8. There was a Diamond T knocking about up here in a slightly dishevelled state... hmmm!
  9. Sounds like a Dandy Idea! did you see what i did there...!
  10. I want a bigger truck... It's no good... I want a bigger truck...
  11. Remember... burned on the outside and raw in the middle... It's the Eglish way! I'm sure the beer will guide you well!
  12. I'll say Mosquito then just to have a go!
  13. Ha ha more Northern types... excellent! Welcome from soggy Kendal
  14. I walked away from my job nearly a year ago as it was driving me potty. Having a 3 year old and a one year old child made me realise i'd rather be a happy daddy than a nutcase psychotic stress head. My kids wouldn't remember in years to come that i'd slaved in a job i hated, just that i was a short tempered butt head! Ironically the department that i headed was closed and moved 100 miles away (after 2 years of management swearing blind they weren't going to do it!). Never looked back Sounds like they've done you a favour... probably dosen't feel like it now... but they have! And As my dear old Granny used to say... "F**k 'em... F**k 'em all! She had a way with with words did Granny!
  15. Hey Steve welcome... think we may have met at the J36 layby when you took delivery of a trailer & I stopped to have a gawp!
  16. Cripes! Still it looks good and has metal mickey mouse ears too in the first pic!
  17. Superb article Clive, very moving. The bravery of those men never fails to impress me. Not to mention the fishermen setting out to rescue the crew... heroes all.
  18. or someone with an original 1940's ex military stencil cutter...
  19. Brilliant... wish I'd gone What was it like Jack ... *ahem*
  20. Wonder if it was left as a warning to other GI's A: not to Pick up Frauleins and B: Slow down? Taken in Germany?
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