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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. the asia motors KM 410 series jeeps would be a good bet over there. Anything 'real' jeep would most likely be a copy, also humvee look good but lots are copies on truck chassis parts are fairly easy as the civi version is the ROCSTA, so if not a diesel easy to switch, plus disc brakes if you wanted to play around. This photo is from a yard in PI sent to me, not sure where but lots around [ATTACH]27802[/ATTACH]
  2. fesm_ndt

    Big ray

    I have to admit covering for your mates is part of the comradeship of being in the military but I would have expected the norm to be when it all went to hell that the actual offending guy has the testicular fortitude to step up and take the wrap. This comradeship is something I will always miss. Seems to me the civilian workplace is being filled up by people that act like little school girls running to management to stick the knife into someones back. These antics truly offend me and even being a manager I normally discourage such petty rubbish. Another advantage of living someplace where political correctness is not tantamount I can tell them what I really think I remember the many times we get asked, who's responsible and the whole section would take one step forward. Or the best comment on the parade ground whilst the RSM was prodding a soldier "theres cr@p on the end of this stick" to which the reply was "not this end"! Or another great banter was I was in the command post and I just sent the code prepare to move and accross the net at like 2am in the morning, in clear came the words "this exercise is f#cked". The OPCP officer immediately grabbed the microphone and started saying "unknown callsign respond with call sign, over" after a few attempts we got the reply "its not that f#cked, out" Anyhow Ray good on you a true freind to that guy
  3. ubique quo fas et gloria ducunt If my memory still good:D
  4. So if these have to be cut up whats worth saving or trying to save i.e. bits people would want to buy as the guy talking to me is trying to buy the reamains if they do ideed cut them up Also if the hull was cut carefully in half is that an option i.e. weld it back up? The chassis is bedford so not so important?? Are they steel or alloy?
  5. seems to be a rush of vehicles this week as my fellow Pinz owner sent me the following snaps from Malaysia [ATTACH]27783[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27782[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27781[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27780[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27779[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27778[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27777[/ATTACH]
  6. dont know never got that close, but sitting out in the elements as last time I saw it at the beginning of the year it was covered in snow and has a sidecar. I dont want to get too close as I may have to explain to the wife 'oops I did it again'. Apparently Te Koop means for sale, which I cannot understand as in Dutch the translation of English normally has 80% more letters,perhaps its an acronym I am hoping one of our wooden shoed friends will rush over and save it, whatever it is.
  7. So one of the worst photos I ever posted in here, but as promised a military motorcycle, in a field in De Lutte, Netherlands and Te Koop [ATTACH]27730[/ATTACH]
  8. havent got to the Dutch motorcycle yet, maybe this morning on the way to work. However was sent these piccies today of a trial Vamtac in Malaysia. The Malaysian Army has bought them and the police are buying a few also [ATTACH]27728[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27727[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27726[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27725[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27724[/ATTACH]
  9. Take the X3 off and its an NSN http://www.iso-parts.com/Public/Search_NSN_Details.aspx?NSN=2910-99-207-3074 dont say what its off but someone should be able to id the vehicle
  10. I saw this in a thread before, why is this a problem? Just curious as my part of the world copying a silencer is really easy and of course cheap. On another related issue or debate I would make it out of stainless and paint it with heat resistant paint so it was not obvious (or is this a sin?)
  11. Company favourite airline = the cheapest yep this is a circumnavigation. I still need to send you the full set of piccies from Fort Hood just need to get my pdf working again
  12. you got any background on them at all? to me seems weird as if for grenades I doubt they would hold the 'bang' with the poor welded corners and the fairly weak clip. Typically grenades are stored in a bigger shipment container fairly heavy duty though, maybe for external storage ie somewhat bullet proof but if it did go bang not so problematic. Interesting boxes though
  13. spotted what appears to be a military bike with side car in a field here in De Lutte, Holland Well spotted it last time I was here buried under snow and thought "I wonder" Will get a piccy during the week. Sitting in a field with a flowerpot and yellow flowers growng out of it :nut:
  14. De Lutte, mind you I been sleeping all day :yawn:
  15. G'Day currentlly I am in sunny Holland
  16. psyschologist would have a field day with that but I keep getting these emails that size matters
  17. I had a similar thing whilst I was in. I went to this house to pick up a guy from the regiment and his stunning wife answered the door. I was lost for words as I only knew his nickname of Pig Dog and wasn't quite sure on asking her that. Thankfully he came out.
  18. fesm_ndt


    not pretending to be a mod but isnt it a preference in your account settings, you can input skype and yahoo in the 'my settings' section, so if you delete it from there it will not be shown
  19. ahh thats propaganda they really deported the only people working at that point in time . Mind you I thought about pinching a bolt off the Abrams as Adrian would be able to restore the entire tank from a single bolt :cool2: I got all the nameplates and details but was waiting for the experts to come in and debate.
  20. and an odd one for those who like to ponder [ATTACH]27088[/ATTACH]
  21. Forgot the pop quiz one what are all the tanks on the tank for? Water? [ATTACH]27083[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27085[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27086[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27087[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27084[/ATTACH]
  22. I never knew they made mini versions :cool: I want, I want............ I WANT [ATTACH]27081[/ATTACH] Great visit today, very helpful staff. Now I got to figure out how to write it up and not sound like a numbnut
  23. Well, made it in today Will post some piccies over the next few days but my favorites [ATTACH]27073[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27082[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27080[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27079[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27078[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27077[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27076[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27075[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27074[/ATTACH]
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