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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. Started to disassemble the front diff... waiting on parts but got to try out our fabricated version of what the SDP (Steyr Daimler Puch) calls the 'pulling off tool' in the special tools catalog [ATTACH]32527[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32525[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32526[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32528[/ATTACH]
  2. Fitted the P93 front frame today to make sure all the holes lined up, then promptly took it back out to get cleaned and painted. [ATTACH]32414[/ATTACH] T bar sitting in the hole [ATTACH]32413[/ATTACH] Sat around polishing my badge :blush: [ATTACH]32412[/ATTACH] Wasn't quite sure how I was going to get these windows out as needed to clean them and paint the frame. Ended up being easy as the pop and bottom rails were only contacted glued in. Will have to get some brasso to polish the perspex. [ATTACH]32407[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32411[/ATTACH] Was going to install the stainless expansion tank but the bracket is welded on the wrong way.... [ATTACH]32408[/ATTACH] Disassembling the power steering ram. As always when someone wrecks a bolt or fitting it is always something complex that I will have to find some place. [ATTACH]32406[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32410[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32409[/ATTACH]
  3. fesm_ndt


    We got an office in Sheffield. Would be a good trip. I haven't got my schedule as yet but I know it is urgent I go to the UK as soon as possible as I just rejoined TWI as off Monday.
  4. fesm_ndt


    thats funny....... they used to test train rims that way and there is a famous story about a senior inspector who they found out very late that he was tone deaf. But it is true if one bit rings and the other don't then it is a quick check, just judging it can be a fine line. There are other methods, especially used on aircraft that use small tap hammers looking for disbonds and electronic testers looking at resonance frequencies.
  5. Pretty much a different times and different sensibilities as back then targeting civilian populations, or collateral damage was tit for tat. The Germans started bombing London. The English fire bombed several cities from the outside in to maximise civilian casualties. The Japanese had ethnic cleansing happening in China. There was very little knowledge of the radiological after effects so much so that all the rules now on exposure limits are based on those to bombings. I guess at the time it sounded like a good idea to finish the war quickly. Oddly enough all the major powers had huge stockpiles of chemical weapons but all were to scared of retalliation to use them. What I find a crime is they kept making way to many of them, ie. enough to wipe the planet out a few times.
  6. missed that :blush: getting late here, so my brain slower than the slow it normally is
  7. G'Day.... welcome ..... yep easy to do a thread in the Blogs of MV restorations http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/forumdisplay.php?22-Blogs-of-MV-restorations
  8. I guess depends on what you want to do with it, show, drive, pose, camp etc etc. I would not be in a mad rush until you did a lot of research as nothing worse than buying something then hating it later. Millwebs is most likely a good start http://www.milweb.co.uk/home.php as you can look the classified then also find a list of dealers. Then in here to research it and ask about it. Ask Jack for some Pathfinder magazines My fav's.... A Schwimmerwagon are quite pricey but nice from the Axis side. Big a Scammel recovery truck. The Sexton would be interesting. Lots of variety, spend a month in this madhouse and you discover new vehicles all the time that you never heard of before Also depends if you want a complex rebuild or something easy. For me a challenge is all part of the fun.
  9. fesm_ndt


    Prompted by some points raised in another post, I thought I better follow up with more on NDT, crack finding Magnetic Testing (MT) or Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is the other most common form of NDT. Used for inspecting ferromagnetic materials The principle is fairly simple: - Magnetizing an area to be examined - Applying ferromagnetic particles to the surface - Particles form patterns on surface / discontinuities cause distortions in nominal magnetic field. [ATTACH]32340[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32339[/ATTACH] Oddly enough I have to go to the UK in a few weeks so if anyone is interested in NDT, inspection, welding and welding defects I could organise a spiel in Cambridge at TWI
  10. Well got the tailgate mounts welded up and ground flush today, so tomorrow a skim of filler and a dab of primer [ATTACH]32334[/ATTACH] This is the P93 front frame which we noticed had two small dents where it had ploughed into the ground. I was going to weld them up and grind it back and then figured on this bit of reinforcment/repair. [ATTACH]32335[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32331[/ATTACH] Started triming the front radiator tunnel so the radiator can sit back further as the intercooler goes in front. [ATTACH]32330[/ATTACH] Mounted the power steering oil cooler, Pinzgauers have a problem with the fluid getting too hot due to insufficient capacity. So the cooler cools and increases capacity. Land Rover fans may recognise that it is a FFR oil cooler and it fits quite well . Need to plumb it.[ATTACH]32333[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32332[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32337[/ATTACH] This is the cooler I got originally for the power steering. I thought the one above was easier to fit. Will fit the small one inline on the auto box. [ATTACH]32336[/ATTACH]
  11. yes you have to be careful where you stick dongles
  12. also I guess a better idea on where to shoot, pity no Churchill on the piccy [ATTACH]32187[/ATTACH]
  13. it would make an interesting restoration thread
  14. fesm_ndt


    this just got posted on the Lightweight forum so I thought I'd pass it on. No injury but a good reminder [ATTACH]32186[/ATTACH]
  15. Also USB plugs are different... if its an old PC make sure the USB it is plugged into is not USB 1 type
  16. bigger and more complex was not the best solution.....
  17. I was reading they were developing a special forces variant with no doors or roof which to me kind of defeats the purpose. I also wonder why need open air when gun mountings are run like a Sony Play Station now and with auto tracking. Another comment I got was the supplier of parts was difficult to deal with.
  18. G'Day and Welcome I see you are from one of the nicer states. I'm a Sandgroper but did my time in Cane Toad land
  19. I was studying them recently, for 'obscure reasons' and seem to be one of the best choices on the market at present. The seats are bolted to the roof or rollcage istead of the floor so if the floor has a IED underneath it dont immediately impact your rear end. Also saw one, I think Dutch hit by an IED with basically the front blown off but the guys got out ok, so kind of thought that was impressive. Would be a nice car to own
  20. Nice, P93 716K's. Never thought UK used the full brushguards as most I seen had the single hoops on each side. is that the rearend of an armoured Iveco?
  21. this was the info for the picture 'in Russian' and the book... got some nice piccies, found books on Sd Kfz 251. Jagdpanzer IV L-48, Benz during the war etc etc...... pity no Allied stuff [ATTACH]32157[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]32158[/ATTACH]
  22. An interesting question in a rather disappointing thread (disappointing as arguing amongst each other seems really pointless, nice blokes and gals in here, most the time friendly with one another ) Anyway a lot of lifting gear shackles, hooks etc get SWL tested which is annoying as they lift a dead weight with it. Really annoying as in reality you are stressing the component. The other check is NDT (Non Destructive Testing), if steel typically by MT (Magnetic Testing) using a magnet and special applied particles. Or can use PT (Penetrant Testing) where you coat the component in dye which soaks into surface breaking defects. Both methods extremely easy to do. I been meaning to update a thread on this as useful during engine rebuilds. Steel wire ropes on cranes, vehicle winches and elevators is all visual. Yes can be tested with NDT equipment but the crane lobby didnt want to. Common rule of thumb is no more than 6 broken wires in a lay length. Lots of other rope problems/defects but most vehicle winches would fail on kinks etc anyway
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