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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. that intrigued me so found: It is also currently used by the Jordanian Armed Forces as their main battle tank after heavy modifications. The variants for the Jordanian military are upgraded to Challenger 2 standards and are undergoing upgrades using an unmanned turret called the Falcon Turret.
  2. I said to pass on the message that why not sell in one piece so can be history etc etc so still kind of disjointed as i am 14 hours behind Malaysia so I get updated in my mornings here i think if in malaysia there scared somone may rob a bank using one... so trying to convince sell it offshore
  3. Well seems to be all confirmed for a saturday trip to go back.
  4. [ATTACH]26934[/ATTACH] mmmmmmmm, great typing last night....... mind you the clicking of the keyboard now is too noisey. Still got a guy asking whats the deal on them, apparently there is 4
  5. ok piccies....... [ATTACH]26924[/ATTACH] well one piccy.... I am so drunk....i cant process much more than that....conferences... drink drink drinlk Anywy got told the deal is have to cut up as scrap... so I asked how much as if people are interested will try to cut up to save bits.... is this of interest... is their bits of use.... i see the chassis is just bedford to whaT BIT ABOVE WOULD BE WORTH SALVAGing, turret etc... i dont know thinking
  6. I think I will have to buy Nasri a bigger stick Pity to disassmble it but can't keep it, also has the bits I need
  7. Well overseas so I didn't have to deal with it, but my worst nightmare, a baby cobra in the crapper [ATTACH]26876[/ATTACH]
  8. Although this is an old thread, this seemed the most appropriate one to post this topic in. I recieved an email this morning asking if I know of anyone that would be interested in buying some Saxons :cool2: I got sent some piccies, but asked for some more. I saw 3 seperate ones
  9. there is pictures of them in my merry christmas thread. I can only guess the 60's but the piccies I have are in Malaysia
  10. If you run into any dificulties with the camera equipment let me know as I can see this as a good marketing ploy for a few companies. Just need to know how far in you have to go and how big the hole. Olympus would make some of the best remote buggies as there is a few quirks in this, ie dragging the umbilical. Anyway if you need any advice on that side let me know.
  11. Well lets hope my typing is ok as I been out all night binge drinking as one does at conferences..... :beer::beer::beer::beer: got an email from said museum: 1. they are going to update their website 2. they invited me for an escorted tour. Which may be possible next saturday when I get back So I guess they took my critique seriously which is a breath of fresh air as now days complaints are rarely answered
  12. Up in Washington today at a defence conference (not a vehicle one, unfortunately), so far no response, but still early, 10am. I still think my major issue is if it is only for US citizens then it should be stated on their website. Hopefully will get to the Vietnam memorial today.
  13. just woke up :yawn: No, I think the policy is if you are not a US citizen then you cannot visit. It is inside the base but what miffs me (very polite for this early in the morning is this could have been written on the website. I go on US bases all the time in my line of work so not being able to visit a museum on one is crap. I have emailed them and suggested they change their website will be interesting if I get a reply but I am not holding my breath. I was thinking of going to Fort Bliss anti aircraft museum also but I don't think it's worth it as likely to find another problem. My roving reporting will have to wait until I next visit other countries.
  14. spotted this in a junkyard not far from Fort Hood. Spotted the green colour and did a U turn to have a look Not sure if it is or isnt an MV but looks like Army Green?????? [ATTACH]26798[/ATTACH]
  15. I got up bright eyed this morning to drive to the 1st Cavalry Division Museum located at Fort Hood in Texas. Being 166 miles away and driving on the wrong side of the road was worrisome as was the majority of other motorists that seem to all drive 10 to 15mph faster than the limit. Having left early I arrived at the Fort Hood Visitors centre at 1020. As per the website "you can receive a pass to the Museum. Proof of insurance and ID Card are required for the visitor pass. The Visitor Center will provide a map to the Museum". http://www.hood.army.mil/1stcavdiv/1CDmuseum/map.htm You have to get one of those numbers from the machine and wait for your number. When called I handed over my Australian passport, drivers licence and vehicle insurance. After this I was told "you (Australians) are on the list that can't come in"! Not much you can say about that, just had to get back in the car and drive 3 hours back to Houston :argh: I am still completely furious at the insult but the most annoying part is if foreigners or foreign tourists are not welcome, why is this not written on the website. I did email them and told them rather pointedly to change their website so other visitors to the US with an MV interest dont waste their time attempting to visit. I had hope to get some piccies and do a write up for the magazine.....sorry it didnt work
  16. i did mention in the other thread one of the other Pinz guys bought some new 9 x 16 bar grips, so I will ask them where from. I took 8 off mine and sent to the junkyard as the preferable size is 16 x 8. I have another 6 but not real great so we are going to send to the junkyard to swap for more bits I seen some weird sized new stuff last trip to the yards but can't recall the sizes
  17. I had to look up what a Char B is/was :blush: I also would have spelt whet incorrectly :blush: So interesting to know that But in a nutshell get the shovels moving and camera ready
  18. G'Day and Welcome Yes the Dennis is a great thread also look out for the Sherman and other tank rebuilds. Actually the rebuild threads are numerous and are my favourites also
  19. there is a website for just military photos so you could see if they have a specific thread for Oman. They have for Cyprus, Malaysia etc you can also search in there names Salladin etc. Apologies, cannot give you the direct link as I am on my phone and dont have book marks on this..I'll have to look on my laptop later today the beauty of Google.... http://www.militaryphotos.net/
  20. G'Day Azli Hisham and I call it a Pinzgauer sickness....:nut:
  21. We have/had the 16 x 9's on our Pinzgauers here. I ditched mine as the preferred tyre is 16x8 on the road. I am sure there is a stockpile around here, never really dug that hard but I believe one of the fellow Pinz guys bought new ones. If someone wants I could have a dig around as a pallet via sea freight aint that much. I also saw some R20 tyres recently in a yard, not sure what off trying to find a good piccy [ATTACH]26600[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]26599[/ATTACH]
  22. Specific to the yellow colours was the 381C as discussed above but also some vehicles were painted in RAL colours ie RAL 1002 or 1015 I found this out when trying to dig up the info on that water based paint they put on, the one that could be supposedly washed off
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