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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Thanks. The Sun had got to me the week before, and the prospect of walking around in the heat would have been too much. Looking forward to next year, however.
  2. I have a Family ticket for War & Peace this year, but I cannot now use it due to illness. It can only be used by an IMPS member, as you need a Membership card. Also, as it is a bit last minute, it's best if you collect it from me in Reading. PM me for address and phone number if you are interested. Hate to see it go to waste.
  3. Wednesday Just a little warning for all of you at the show. The Met Office have a Level 2 warning about temperatures today, and this is expected to rise to a more serious Level 3, meaning that health Authorities are to 'Take Action' for vulnerable and elderly people, with the Hottest parts being the East and South East of the country. Take care at the show, drink lots of water and stay in the shade.
  4. I have recently found some info about a Wireless Sender No.53 when sorting out some paperwork. If you would like copies, send me a PM with your email address. The info is just general description, no installation info unfortunately. Also, the installation needs an R107 receiver in the vehicle as well as the 53 sender.
  5. There's two of these people in the News now. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-23325612 Helping people with the Theory test and Bus/Lorry Theory tests. Also says 861 Test passes have been revoked since 2009!! I saw the photo of the Scammel. I hope the Driver has a speedy recovery and the truck is rebuilt.
  6. I know that the Austin K5 was mentioned specifically in the 21st Army book, can't remember any other truck mentioned. (By the way, the copy I was reading was presented to Montgomery after the war. Don't know where it is now). Also, in the REME Museum is a DIY mould to make pistons 'in the field'. I will try and find out what engine it was made for.
  7. I was reading the Official history of 21st Army group, published in 1946, and it states in there that all Austin K5 vehicles in Europe suffered engine problems and all replacement engines were faulty. It didn't say what the problem was, however.
  8. Just been checking out the weather forecasts, and the temperatures in Folkestone look to be a bit cooler. On Friday 19th, Reading is supposed to be 29C, but Folkestone is a comfortable 21C. Not sure why this is happening, but I will keep an eye on it. No sign of rain at all, at the moment, so stock up well on Sun Cream and drinking water.
  9. I remember the TV series 'Road Wars' where they found cars with no tax, insurance or licences, and the made this programme in the area where I live!!!! They even go past my house chasing a car. Also, anyone remember that bloke who got caught taking driving tests for others for money? I believe they charged him with 100 offences they found out about. Take care out there.
  10. It's OK, we've just had a look at the car, a Morris 8 series E, and it's a total restoration project and rusty, so it was turned down. The quest continues.
  11. A friend is considering buying a veteran car to restore, but it doesn't have any documentation. What kind of paperwork would the DVLA need to register the car and issue a V5? I know some of you have been through this procedure before, and I hope you can give me some advice I can pass on. Many thanks.
  12. I heard that during the Gulf war a batch of vehicles were sent to a civilian contactor to paint sand coloured. They got the paint a bit too yellow and the unit was called the 'Banana Custard Crowd'.
  13. If you need a copy of an EMER, give me the reference number and I'll see what I can do.
  14. I must agree with you. Also included are the drivers who get in front of you and think the stopping distance at 60mph is 20 feet!!
  15. Thanks for that. I had heard somewhere they were made in Cairo, but didn't know who by. Anyone know what the engine was in the Fordsons? 6 or V8?
  16. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction, please? I am trying to get some information on Rolls Royce Armoured cars that were fitted to Fordson chassis in late 1930s/early 1940s. 1. Anyone any idea of what Ford chassis was used and what engine powered it? Any other technical details? 2. Where were these built? I can find references to Iraq conflict only. 3. Who built them? 4. Were they only RAF used? Any help appreciated. Robert
  17. Thanks for that. Does anyone have any details of these Ford/Rolls Royce Armoured cars as I would like to write something for the Early Ford V8 club magazine. Many thanks.
  18. Just a thought - is that a Rolls body on a Ford chassis?
  19. Another place to try is Edgware Motor Accessories in North London Tel-02089504694 as I know they supply rubber window seals for Ford Pilot cars. I haven't dealt with them myself, but I have heard they are helpful. Website is http://www.rubbertrim.co.uk Let us know how you get on.
  20. I know what you mean about sorting out a relative's house. My Mother died 2 years ago today, and we had the job of clearing her house ready to sell it. My Mother had inherited the house from her Mother and my Grandfather had bought the house new about 100 years ago. Therefore we had loads of stuff to go through, and a lot of items went to charity shops as we didn't have the space to store them. It took over a year of work to empty the house, and we still had to leave some furniture there. We must have made mistakes giving some stuff away, but what could we do? We did have to check everything carefully as I found a silver cigarette case given by my Grandmother to my Grandfather as a Wedding anniversary present in 1936 in a bag full of used envelopes.
  21. There is a replica in the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop.
  22. I know this over 3 months away, but can anyone help out with Military vehicles for the 'Blitz Day' at the REME Museum at Arborfield, Berks on Sunday 6th October? The event starts at 11am, so you need to be there by 10:30, and it ends at 3:30pm. If you can make it, please PM me. Also, if there are any Allied Re-enactors reading this, you are also very welcome to come along. Many thanks. Robert Davey
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