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Everything posted by woa2

  1. There is another 'Blitz Day' at the REME Museum, Arborfield, Berks RG2 9NH on Sunday 6th October 2013 from 11am to 3:30pm. Various re-enactor events and Model displays during the day. For details please email enquiries@rememuseum.org.uk Normal Museum entry charge applies, but that is all.
  2. Can anyone tell me where to get repro ATS uniforms from, please? My Wife has agreed to dress up for a local show, but needs the uniform. Can anyone advise a good source, please? Many thanks.
  3. I spoke to the Tech Archivist at the REME Museum this week and his comment was that Jeeps were sometimes used as Mobile Workshops but not as a recognised vehicle type, being done locally with whatever was available. Mobile workshops were 3 tonners such as Ford WOT6. I suggest a visit to the REME Museum photo archive to see what you can find.
  4. OK, thinking logically, Red means Danger, so something to do with Live ammunition or explosives?
  5. I found some information in an ACI today. I know some forum members have mentioned the colour of Wartime vehicle serial numbers, and I found the information in a 1943 dated ACI book. ACI 1672 'B' Vehicles - Display of WD Numbers (as amended by ACI 570 of 1944) 1. All WD owned 'B' vehicles will have their WD numbers clearly painted in white (blue in the case of airborne formations) and displayed in a horizontal position as follows :- a) Wheeled vehicles which are camouflage painted, other than motor-cycles - On the off-side of the bonnet, wherever practicable, and on the rear of the body. In cases where display on the bonnet is impracticable, the WD number will be painted on the off-side front door, or where no front door exists, on the off-side of the driver's cab. b) Motor-cycles - Each side of the petrol tank. c) Motor-cars alloted to members of thge Army Council, GOs C-in-C commands and other vehicles except ambulances specifically exempt under War Office instructions from camouflage painting - On the front and rear registration plates. d) Ambulances - As described in su-para (a) above, except that the rear number will be displayed on the registration plate when this is already fitted. 2. The normal dimentions of the letters and figures comprising the WD numbers will be 3 1/2 inches high and 2 1/2 inches wide overall and 5/8 inch thick in every part, for all vehicles, except motor-cycles, for which half these sizes will apply. A slight reduction in these dimentions may be allowed in cases where peculiarities in design of certail vehicles render the normal dimentions impracticable, provided that the legibility of the letters and figures is not unduly impaired. 3. The WD number includes the vehicle classification letter and is incomplete without it. 4. ACIs 267 and 2261 of 1942 are hearby cancelled, and the relative instructions in Equipment Regulations, Part 1, 1942, Appendix 52, will be amended in due course. 57/Vehicles (A)/1530 (S.W.V.3)
  6. I've got somewhere with this question. The colour of the disc is covered in ACIs (Army Council Instructions). I found ACI 833 of 4th October 1947 and it states to paint a RED circle on the Radiator, replacing the Blue of ACI 926 of 1946. Also an ACI of 26th April 1947 states that engines drained of ethylene glycol will have the Blue circle on the header tank painted out. Evidently, the colour of the disc is covered in ACI intructions. I tried 1942 and 1943 but couldn't find anything there. Oh, yes - If the colour of the disc cannot be seen clearly, you paint a White backgraond to it.
  7. I remember someone turning up to the 1994 REME Centenary at Arborfield with a Jeep he had restored with a Mobile Workshop arrangement on the back, as he had used one during the war. It had the Windscreen from a Dodge Ambulance on it as this was what he had used on his original wartime Jeep. Sorry, can't remember his name. Have you tried contacting the REME Museum for details? They might have some photographs.
  8. I've got one for sale, dated 1944. Contact me if you are interested.
  9. My WOA2 has Brass balls in the hinge for the doors. I need some replacements, but I have found they come in different sizes - for instance Land Rover used these on early Land Rovers, but they were a slightly smaller diameter. Does anyone know where I can get some replacement Brass Balls for my hinges? Many thanks.
  10. I have just had a scam email, and so has my Daughter. It proports to come from Paypal saying you have just sent some money to someone. Do Not go onto the site specified as they seem to want your details and the site looks very like Paypal. If you check your legal Paypal account, the item will not appear. Don't know who is doing this, but be careful out there...
  11. The REME Museum in Arborfield is considering stocking the DVD "Above and Beyond:The Craftsman", the story of how Sgt Wally Harris won the MC in Normandy in 1944. For a preview, try this link The REME Museum want to find out what the demand for the DVD will be to see how many to stock. If you might be interested, please send me a PM. This is not binding you to an order, merely to see what the demand would be and how many to stock in the Museum shop so they have enough to sell and not over-order. Many thanks.
  12. I've heard of the 'Retrofestival' at White Waltham near Maidenhead. Has anyone been before and what goes on there?
  13. If you do strip down the engine, you can clear out the water ways with a wire coat hanger. Rust does build up in some oil ways and can restrict the water flow and this can be dis-lodged but only if you take the engine out. Have you joined the Early Ford V8 club yet? They may be able to help with more technical advice.
  14. My WOA2 is currently running without an Oil Cleaner while I get the oil pipes sorted out, so a blocked oil filter cannot cause the overheating. A WOT2 does run very hot and a re-cored radiator would help cure it (I used Berkshire Radiators in Reading and they did a good job). Also, get new fan belts as worn or incorrect fan belts are also a known reason a Ford V8 overheats. Don't use Ford Pilot fan belts as they are a different size. As for Condensors, I did replace the Condensor in this truck. Is it still in place or has it got an original one? The original ones are now over 60 years old and are failing, replace with a new Lucas DCB121C. Get the coil checked out as well. A WOT2 is a very hot vehicle to drive, and I always drive with the windscreen partly open and never use sidescreens. Even then it's hot, even on a cold day.
  15. I have seen pine tree branches decorating vehicles in factories in Germany. This is nothing to do with camouglage but is for a celebration, for instance I have seen a photo of the 1000th vehicle overhauled in Wetter after the war and it is adorned with branches and celebrating notices. Also at the VW plant in the late 1940s. Question is why is this done? Anyone got the reason pine branches are used?
  16. Oil filter for a WOT2 style housing is MANN PF1025 which is obtainable from a good Motor Factor. Condensor is a Lucas DCB121C
  17. Had a hail storm in Reading an hour ago, and now it's warm sun and |Blue sky!! Tomorrow, Friday 24th May, looks horrible - Rain and not too warm. Weekend looks better and Overlord should be OK. Weather next week is iffy from Monday night onwards with rain.
  18. Thank you very much. Problem solved.
  19. Can anyone help translating the wording here, please? It is German on the front of a WOT2 that has been re-furbished in Germany post-war.
  20. Memory's returning a bit. I think there is one of these in the Fleet Air Arm museum in Yeovilton, as I seem to remember seeing one in there. It was about 10 years ago, can anyone help?
  21. I believe it's an Armourer's tool kit for Fleet Air Arm use. I had one once but it was 20 years ago, I did find out it's use but my memory isn't what it was......
  22. OK, idiot question time - What is a 'Gallery Rifle'?
  23. I filled up at Morrisons in Reading at 129.9 a litre. ASDA are at 129.7 a litre. Tesco currently have on offer on of spend £60 and get 10p off a litre. Stock up on tinned food for War & Peace and get cheap petrol.
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