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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Says J60 in original post.
  2. There aren’t any civilian equivalents.
  3. Maybe this would be suitable? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F372802413469
  4. I believe if the Jeep has a valid US title, NOVA etc then it does not need the MVT to verify it but the DVLA will inspect to to check the numbers etc. It’s worth buying all your paint at the same time to ensure it’s all the same shade. I didn’t do this, but did mix together all the 1 litre tins in a big bucket and then put it back into the smaller tins to make sure they were all the same colour.
  5. Hi Steve, Good luck with your project. We finished our ‘43 GPW just in time for Normandy last year. The most frustrating thing was the poor quality of a lot of reproduction parts. There is some junk out there, but there are also some good dealers who will help you out. Chris
  6. Hi Nick, You could try and find a local plant hire company, I’ve used them to move CVRTs in the past. You don’t necessarily need a low loader. Chris
  7. Can’t measure one for a few weeks, but long enough to make it look like this. Chris
  8. http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/17733-sabre-chain-gun/?tab=comments#comment-228054
  9. It’s not light stone, that’s the yellow colour used as desert camouflage.
  10. I would have thought so in the brake bands and heat shield materials.
  11. They aren’t painted red to look pretty. I suggest a good read of the manual before doing yourself or the vehicle any harm.
  12. Red = danger. Do you have a user manual?
  13. Hi Diana, I’m surprised they don’t fit the glass lenses, I’ve used glass lenses on a Land Rover before when someone stole the plastic ones over night at Beltring. Chris
  14. https://www.milweb.net/dealers/trader/tanked_up_military/ I have an up to date email address for Shaun if you need it.
  15. You could try asking here: https://www.eics-products.co.uk
  16. Looks like half of a no. 17 periscope.
  17. Not Rarden, this is a Rarden one...
  18. D of Q is denomination of quantity. For example ‘each’ if bagged individually. The number you’ve quoted is the NSN.
  19. I’m collecting ESPIRE bits as they turn up. Still need the armoured shroud though.
  20. No. Mine is a diesel. See this thread: http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/25001-cvrt-scimitar-07-fd-04/ The mounts are for ECM (electronic counter measures)
  21. No, never been for sale, I’m still collecting bits for it when I see them.
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