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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Are you talking about the gunners sight? Do you have the complete sight and control box? There’s only a couple of plugs.
  2. No, but Google is your friend. Plenty of options for 6bt temp senders out there.
  3. Photo is quite old, I expect they’re mostly gone by now. They were DAFs.
  4. Well done, however... It’s a SUMB not a sump!
  5. If it’s a Mk2 then it is not tall enough for a Wolf
  6. WD40 is a waste of time, you need this stuff: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F172985432834 Some heat won’t hurt either. Chris
  7. The temp sender for the warning light is on the inlet manifold near the distributor. Remove it and find something that’s 24v and has the right thread, then find a compatible gauge. Shouldn’t be that hard.
  8. The Fox has a temperature gauge with the J60.
  9. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264391836317
  10. Please send me a link to the post you want to delete. Chris
  11. Mark, are they new or used? Chris
  12. https://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/cvrw-fox-125-c.asp
  13. That block does look quite worn but they should be able to repair the valve seats.
  14. Hi Paul, to answer your question you need to know if the bores have been done previously. You can do this by measuring but it might be easier to see if there’s any markings on the pistons +.010 for example. Once you know this you can see what oversize pistons are available. If you find a good engine machine shop they’ll be able to help you out. Chris
  15. Try giving Andrew Baker a call. https://afvsociety.com/
  16. Looks like Centurion to me.
  17. As long as you aren’t doing sharp turns I think the gravel getting stuck in the wheels might be more of a problem. I had a Sabre which looked like it had been used on gravel and the wheels were a mess.
  18. It’s a CVRT... combat vehicle reconnaissance tracked.
  19. I think you’ll find the price for rerubbering to be much more expensive than a take off wheel. This is where the new ones are made. http://www.iconaerotech.com/our-solutions/#sector-134
  20. There are plenty of other governments out there using CVRT. Some of them only recently acquired them. The spares are worth a lot more abroad than they are to collectors. A lot of vehicles end up stripped for spares. Once the UK MoD gets rid of the rest of the fleet this will make parts harder to come by. https://www.joint-forces.com/features/13060-armour-focus-new-latvian-cvr-t-fleet
  21. Do you need a jacking strut? I have some left. Never tried to glue the rubber back on. I think you’d be wasting your time, the road wheels take quite a load especially when cornering. If you are stuck for wheels I have some take offs I might sell. Chris
  22. I remember back when there was so much armour in the arena at the end of the day they were running out of places to park everything. I don’t think we’ll ever see the likes of that again, but it won’t stop me and I’ll be there as usual.
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