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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Yes, it was identical to the SLR outfit. BUT, the combination tool & bronze chamber brush were removed from the tin/container. So basicaly: an Oil Bottle, a Pullthrough & some flannelette.
  2. The 12Y is the locking shoulder size. & the 'D' is the sylised Enfield Lock Logo. That is correct, it could have been fitted as a replacement part in a Main Worshop. When the headspacing (Size of the chamber for the cartridge) stretches or alters from service wear. The next size up would be fitted. You COULD correctly have enfield locking shoulders fitted to Aussie SLRs. As they also served alongside brit rifles to supplement supply. This rifle however, is a 'Bitsa' made up from parts from two different weapons. I hope you didnt pay the full current price for an Old Spec on this deal!...
  3. Will there be the possibility of the odd Helicopter being 'Blown in' this year perhaps?.......................:shocked:
  4. EARLY L37 had a cone shaped flash hider. Later it became paralell as in the supplied photo. The L43 for scorp had a NORMAL locking Flash Eliminator that LOOKED the same as the L7A2 Ground role gun. It wasnt quite the same. It screwed on by hand & had NO twin flats on the side for a spanner to tighten it. It had a small countersunk hole in the side, & was retained on the barrel with a spring clip. It had to unscrewed to enter the mantlet from the inside up to the halfway point on it's barrel bearing. Was also solinoid fired.
  5. The Trigger Housing is NOT removed when fitting in a Ferret. I think you MAY be refering to the L8 Variant, which had a differnt trigger mech. This was for the Chieften, a ranging co-axilly mounted gun. The scorpion had a solinoid operated mech, & differnt barrel as well. That variant was dedicated to the Scorpion ONLY. Basicaly, the L37 is a standard GPMG body, barrel has a Coned Flash Hider, Different Gas adjusting knob & a Buffer housing rather than a Butt assembly.
  6. Wow! That takes me back! I have 'Put a few Rounds down there' over the years!.... A large proportion of ex Bundeswher AFVs being used as targets i see. Just goes to show dosent it. That the M.O.D are Sooooooo short of money, they cant even spare many 'Hard Targets' for training purposes! Sold off too many at the same time for the cash & didnt keep many back for long term target usage!...............
  7. Well done Tony! There you go! If it HASNT got the Proof House Markings on it (GB) it is GENERALLY treated as a 'Live' Firearm. IF it has the UK cert with it, it is DEEMED to be Deactivated. The Firearms act on Deacts then contradicts itself as it mentions deactivation: 'By any other means'......... I personaly would not like to have to go to court on a 'questionable Deact myself, I have to say! IF, you have a GOOD Lawyer, then it migh be worth a go! But it would cost you, & there ARE guidelines for judges to follow on this subject. It IS a VERY complicated area of Law & one which even our Beloved Police force, admit to not being totaly conversant with! the GENERAL & Safe rule of thumb seems to be: 'If it's got a Cert, then it is CONSIDERED Deactivated. Unless proven otherwise'! My Own expirience with having worked VERY closely with the Proof House over the years is. It is the Deact Proof house Markings that 'Make' the weapon a Deact. The Certificate is purely evidential....... I am not sure if the UK will ever fall in line with EU specs on Deacts, ours are probably MORE than sufficient to cover the Subject area as they are.
  8. The Difficult area I can see here is the wording on a Brit Deact cert. 'A mark approved by the Secratary of state' I think it says. I do not have a cert to hend right now, so cannot check imediately. I agree with the comments on us being a signatory in the EU. However, each country has it's own spec, I belive in Germany MGs have to be inparts, but if it's put together, it MUST be welded into a Mount like a Tank ranging gun mount? SMGs have to welded so they cannot be field stripped, but CAN have moving action. It's all Pick & Mix it would seem! As we recognise EU ,members PROOF markings, I am puzzled about the non conformatify on Deact Specs! But again, I hear the London Proof master is continuously working with the EU Proof Houses commitee on getting legislation in line. For ALL countries to be the same. God help us if it is ALL tightened up so that eveything is welded solid as the UK Government would LIKE to see accross the board!..........
  9. Well done! & nice to hear that you guys continued the spirit of 'Ambassadors' of our Hobby. In a positive way, in the public eye! This sort of outcome only serves to reinforce the good that we do in our chosen path of restoration. & that we ARE responsible owners & CAN be trusted with the things we like to collect! The more we win over the Public at large for the right reasons. The stronger support, & potential possible other owners/members for the future there will be! Mike.
  10. I dont know your logistical requirements here obviously. But, If it's a turreted varaint, & not a MKI. What about removing the Turret & mounting plate. Turning the vehicle on it's side. & either on a heavy dutty trolley, or heavy planks of wood. Either push or drag with equipment. The vehicle in sideways. you might lose some oil inisitaily, but you could plug each breather or filling hole with plastic material to prevent this. I know this sounds drastic, but it WOULD save a lot of work unbolting & re bolting a LOT of stuff. If the vehicle is going to stay static within a museum enviroment. You COULD drain off all the oils Etc. As she will in theory, never run again. Any Good?
  11. The .30" Cal Browning MG was used on an M2 tripod when dismounted from vehicles. Ferret Scout Cars had the tripod mounted on the rear decks. When I was attached to 26 Engineers, we had armoured Cent AVRE's & AVLB's that had the .30" as part of thier CES. I had ovserved these dismounted & fitted on tripods in static positions. When on Exercises in Germany. The MOBAT, CONBAT & WOMBAT family of 120mm Recoiless Anti-Tank Infantry Support weapons were also used during this time period. Mike.
  12. EXCELLENT & Very interesting footage, thanks for the link! I enjoyed watching that! A Lot of Folk are not aware that we in R.E.M.E are Soldiers First, & tradesmen, ALWAYS! All R.E.M.E Personell are fully trained in the use of Service Small Arms & have to do Combat training & Familiarisation. The same as any Infantier. We never claim to excell at being 'Combat Troops'. Because as well as the main pre ocupation of carrying out your main duties. In you chosen Trade, there is insufficient time to train in Infantry Skills continuously. However, throughout our career's, continuation Training in Infantry Skills is forever, ongoing! If you look at the Years Honours award lists, you will also observe R.E.M.E Personell recieving Decorations! The Latin Words on Our Belt Buckles are: 'Arte et Marte'. Which translates to: 'By Skill & Fighting'! But we use to have our own term for this: 'Twist to Open'. As the female half of your stablebelt was a great Beer Bottle opener!..............Ah, Herforder PIL,s. What EXCELLENT German Beer!.................
  13. A VEREY Creditable job Buddy! & thats from a REAL EX R.E.M.E Armourer! I am MOST impressed with your craftsmanship & attention to detail. The research & tracking down of original fitments has been a LONG journey for you, of that I am aware! I have a traveling Armourers display that is used at shows & I know only too well how difficult it is trying to source original tools, Gauges Etc & trade related emphemera! Well Done! Another item of rare Corps Related equipment saved for future generation's to marval at!
  14. Hi Rob, The shield looks pretty much the same as anything used as a hard target on a range would end up like! However, if you think about it, this relic STILL can have a usefull life! There are Plenty of re-enactmant groups who do superb living history displays. Beltring springs to mind here! This would make a VERY nice addition to a display with a Dummy Barrel & say a bit of mock up axle with One wheel on it. The sale of this shield can be recycled by the funds going towards bits & bobs or Material needed on your Pheasant Restoration Project. See, think laterally, & nothing is wasted!...............Keep up the Good work Mate! Cheers! Mike.
  15. At this rate, there is a good chance that 'BLINGO' the Ferret, our Ebay Family 'Friend' may well sell soon!.......Lol!
  16. There has been threads on this before. BRICK SEALANT is the cheapest & Best way to go. B&Q Etc.............
  17. Local Council road maintainance yard? if you tell them what you do in displaying/educational purposes etc. you MIGHT get given some if you ask nicley! Worth a try? I went to a tool & material outlet for the trade in my Own town. Told them the above & that I did fund raising displays for the British Legion Etc. & they GAVE me a whole bundle of NEW ones for free! People can be very generous when it comes to our Forces Charities these days. The media coverage & documentories on TV have raised the profile of them enoumously. Make sure you DO attend some fund raising displays though. It might be seen as fraudulent if you got some given to you. And you DIDNT use them at least some of the time for the above purposes!..................... Also civil engineers yards are a good source for thes 'Pegs' as they are sometimes known. Again explain your purpose. The ones I got are basicaly, reinforcing rods that have been heated up. & a Hook shape bent at one end to support ropes/lanterns/barrier plastic mesh, Etc.
  18. Neil, a HEAVY MG will be allowed to have a moving action. It is LMG GENERIC types he has targeted!
  19. The term 'Generic' is used to enforce the specs of a Fully welded example now. IE: RPK = Kalasnikov, L86 LSW = SA80 L85, IE it USED to be, IF it had a Bipod it was classed as an LMG. BUT now, the Proofmaster in HIS wisdom (& sadly off his OWN Back!) decided to ban ANY class of LMG that had a similar weapon in the assualt rifle class that HAS to be welded solid! For example, the AK 47, we accept has to be welded solid. NOW, the RPK equivelant has ALSO to be welded Solid. Basically, what he is saying is: If the inetrnal working system is identical to an Assualt rifle, then the LMG WILL HAVE To be welded up to the same standard! This is HIS decision, & not an Request from the Home Office. He is in constant touch with them, to the effect of: OOH Sir! Look what IM suggesting. Arent I doing a Good Job sir!....... Of course they think the sun shines out of his Proverbial. BUT, he has done the trade & collecting Fraternity a BIG Dis-service! Birmingham have ALWAYS been more enlightened & more sympathetic towards Deacts. But when the LONDON Proofmaster found out that HIS way was being enforced in London. But Birmingham were quite HAPPY to keep to the Specs for LMGs. As they were LEGALLY Entitled to! Other dealers & Collectors went to Birmingham to get thier Deacts Certified to the LMG FULL Moving Cation Specs. Well the London Proofmaster went Ape when he was informed that Birmingham were STILL certing to the CORRECT Specs & London was Losing out on work! (Shot himself in the foot, so to speak!) He Pressurised Birmingham into falling in line with HIS new standards. & there you have it folks. It's now all the same! I Believe HITLER also had Dictatorial attitudes as well!...........
  20. The Deact specs abroad, vary WILDLY Differently to UK specs, & always have! France is particulary lax in it's standards & enforcement of Law in general, I believe?..... The UK Government constantly tightens up laws in the UK accorss the board,as much as it can get away with. Hence the thread recently here on the forum with regards to impending introduction of Vehicle class/width/type/weight Etc. The Crap that is thrown at us is, 'It is to bring it into line with EU law & 'Harmonisation'!....... Yeah? Really? We are lead to believe this statement slavishly, are we? OK, then, Over the water in just about all of the other EU countries. they are STILL allowed to own & keep Hand Guns & Military assualt rifles privately. And be able to shoot hem if they wish. Now, IF, we are comming into line with EU 'Harmonisation' laws.....WHY, can we not have the reintroduction of these classes of smallarm for the Private shooting individual?????........(the SAME as other EU members that are already 'Harmonised'?) ANSWER: HYPOCRACY! It is my & im SURE a LOT of other affectionardos, that the UK Goverment like to play 'Pick & Mix' with the Law. to suit it's OWN ends. And NOT to represent the REAL wishes of a large percentage of the Electorate in general! That I firmly believe is one of the REAL reasons the UK gets penalised & other EU countries DONT! After all, we DO live in a 'Free Country' we are LED to believe?....................
  21. Yes, the original twist pattern fastener variants, are now very scarce! the later strap & buckle versions, are being released through Whithams in lots of 100 unissued condition! You did well to find these!
  22. Rambo will be executing his own 'Battle' at W&P. Attempting to avoid a confronation with any 'Dodgy' Toilets!.........
  23. When Nick finaly closes the door on Sabre. It will be the end of an era! There are VERY few shops left now of this size & classification left in the UK. A sad day indeed! I have known Nick Hall the Propriator for over 35 plus years. I have had some good deals with him as well over that timeframe. Always come home with somthing!................. These store are increasingly becoming extinct these days. All in the name of 'Progress'??? (with a LARGE question Mark!)
  24. AND, paid the bill's for parts to keep them going!..........LOL!
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